Coffee, Curry, & Cats

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Once we were underground, I had spoken. "So, what's in the bag?" I pointed to his book bag, which he was still holding close to himself. He moved it more in front of himself, still holding it shut. "Don't make a scene about it," Akira stated, making me a bit nervous, I won't lie. He makes it sound dangerous.

He opened the bag a bit, a small, black fuzzy head with white fur around its mouth and nose. It had bright blue eyes and a yellow collar around its neck. I smiled brightly, starting to coo over it. "It's so cute! Boy or girl? What's its name? Where did you get it?!" I bombarded him with questions, too excited to care. The cat hid its head again, Akira closing the bag. I couldn't help but feel a bit upset.  I always hated startling any cat. "That looked like a scene to me," Akira stated, but he was smiling as to make the statement less abrasive.

"Sorry. I just love cats. They're so funny to me." I let my smile shrink. "So, boy or girl?"

"We think he's a boy. And his name is Morgana."

"'Think' he's a boy? And who's 'we'?" I questioned as we approached our train.

"Ann and Ryuji. He's part of the thing I've been busy with," Akira explains. A small meow sounded from the bag, Akira opening his bag slightly. "He's still gonna be at school with me. Sojiro doesn't want him wandering the cafe when it's open, so I thought it would be best I bring him along with me."

"Does he mind being in the bag?"

Another meow came out of Morgana. "He lives with it," Akira answered.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we arrived at Leblanc, there were a few customers hanging around. Sojiro looked towards me and Akira. "So, is this the new friend you were talking about?" He was smirking, waiting for Akira's answer. "One of them. She's the friend that spoke to me on my first day there."

Sojiro looked over to me. "I take it you don't live around here."

"Not in Yongen-Jaya, no."

"We'll be upstairs," Akira stated. 

"Okay, but come back down before she leaves. I'll have some coffee and curry ready for you both."

"Thank you, sir," I stated, heading upstairs with Akira. 

Once we reached the top of the stairs, Akira let Morgana out of his bag. "What did Kamoshida talk to you about?"

I set my bag on the table Akira set his on. "He was warning me about your criminal record. Nothing specific, so don't worry. I won't butt into it if you don't want me to." Akira sat on the couch. "I won't keep it from you forever, but I'd rather wait until I can explain it in front of all my friends at once."

"I can respect that." I looked around the room. "Not too bad so far." 

Morgana jumped onto the couch, meowing at Akira. "Is he hungry?"

"No. Just vocal."

We spent around an hour talking, me occasionally grabbing Morgana and setting him in my lap as I pet him. He left as soon as I stopped, but he was all purrs while being pet.

Akira checked his phone. "I'll be busy tomorrow and the day after. You gonna be okay with Kamoshida?"

I shrugged. "It's just two days. I think I can hold out." I leaned back, arms firmly planted on the floor. "How's Ann holding up?"

"She's keeping herself occupied when she can't see Shiho," he answered. All I did was nod in return. "I'm sure Shiho will pull through. She's strong. Despite Kamoshida being the coach, she knows how to train herself." It was more for myself than Akira. Shiho is a good person. I don't want to have seen Kamoshida break her down that far. If there was any reason for her to keep going, it would be to spite him. 

Akira stood up. "Sojiro will be closing up in a bit. We should go eat before you head home."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stepped out of the cafe, waving to Sojiro. "Thanks again for the meal. I promise I'll pay you back." 

Akira and I headed down the street. I could smell the medicinal bath from where we stood. Oh, what I would give to take one now...

"I can walk you home if you want," Akira offered, the two of us right outside the Underground Walkway. "No. I'd rather head back by myself. Besides, I might stop to look for a part-time job. I said I'd pay Sojiro back and I plan on sticking to my word." I took the first step, then turned to Akira again. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. Good luck with whatever you're doing."

The crowd was thin compared to the morning rush. I let myself get swept into it, only leaving the crowd when I approached the part-time jobs stand. There were three choices: convenience store, flower shop, or a beef bowl place in Shibuya. The flower shop would probably be best for me. It would be easy to get to work. Besides, I really don't go out at night. 

Do I really want to run this by my parents, though? They probably wouldn't agree to this. 

Either way, it's worth a shot. 

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