The Puppet Masters

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The train continuously rocked back and forth. Neither myself nor the other riders on the subway could help knocking into the people around us. 

My neck feels tight, but I don't plan on shifting my head. The news overhead of me is continuing to talk about mental shutdowns. They've been happening more frequently since Akira arrived. Should I really be on the train right now?

For the rest of the ride, all I could think about was the possibility of the train crashing. An occasional bump--from the train or another passenger--kept startling me. I held my bag close to my chest, looking over the flower shop application. It would be nice to start out on my own. A bit of extra spending money wouldn't hurt, either. 

I could feel my phone buzz through my bag. I pulled it out with my free hand, dropping the application back into the bag as I grabbed my phone.

Are you at least heading home right now?

My thumbs quickly ran over the screen, trying to provide an answer quickly.

On the train home. Only a few minutes away.

At least my homework was done. I forced Akira to help me finish while I was there. It was honestly a bit awkward. Although, that may have been my own fault. I don't regret becoming his friend, though. He's surprisingly easy to talk to, despite my nerves. 

The train had come to a halt, causing me and the other passengers to tightly grip onto anything around us in hopes of avoiding a fall. The doors opened, those close to them streaming out. I pushed my way through, muttering quiet apologies to the people I would run into on my way out.

When I passed the doors, I noticed how much the Underground Walkway has slowed down. There were only a few stragglers and last-minute riders passing through to get wherever they needed to go. I ran up the steps, knowing I was running late to get home. If I hadn't texted back as soon as I did, my parents would've made me sleep outside. Maybe I'll ask about a job tomorrow.

I ran through the door, out of breath. My mom was in the living room waiting, our eyes locked on each other. "Sorry I'm late. I ate with my friend before I left."

"Yongen-Jaya, right?"

"Yeah. We were hanging out at Lelanc."

"I know you were hanging out with the new kid at school. I also know he's in Shujin for probation."

My body became stiff, my bag hanging on my fingertips. "Y-yeah..." I move my free hand behind my head, rubbing the back of my neck. "I don't want you hanging out with him anymore, y/n. He's a bad influence."

"You haven't even met him, mom! That isn't fair to him!"

She held a sharp glare in her eyes. "To him or to you?"

My cheeks were lightly dusted pink. She was doing it again. "This isn't about me..."

"Of course it is." She stood up, pulling me into a hug. "Everything is about you. Everything your father and I do is for you." She pulled away, her arms gripping my shoulders tightly. "You're a Shujin student. You aren't there for no reason. Don't let him ruin this for you."

Ruin? How could Akira ruin my life at school? Kamoshida has done that enough, but it isn't like she knows. I don't hold that against her, though. No parents have raised concerns, so there's nothing for her to know according to outside Shujin.

"He won't do that, mom. He's just trying to get through this year until he goes back home."

She sighs. "Focus on your studies then. High school may not last forever, but what you do during those years will. Now, off to bed. It's a school night."

I run up the steps, feet pounding against the carpet. Would Akira really ruin my school life at Shujin? I doubt it. If what he's doing with Ann and Ryuji happened to be something the school or even the law would frown upon, I'm not involved with that. Only having a friendship with Akira shouldn't be ground enough to punish me if he goes down.

Either way, my mom may be right. This is about me. At least, now it is. Kamoshida has turned his attention towards me. As selfish as it may seem, I'm starting to wish nothing had changed. 

Thinking about it now, Akira could have indirectly put me into danger. I just hope that's not the case.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

When morning came around, I rolled out of bed and pulled on my uniform. I couldn't afford to be late. Besides, I want to talk to Akira before class starts. 

I ran down the stairs, my mom dressed for work in the kitchen. Her back was turned towards me as she searched the cabinets. "Hey. I'm heading out."

"Did you eat breakfast?" She didn't turn around. 

"No time. I can get something at school. Don't worry." I turned to the family room.

Now she turned around. "No skipping breakfast. Sit."

I looked behind me, holding my body in place for a brief second. My left leg moved forward on its own, almost like it was being pulled in front of me. I looked to my mom, her eyes never having left me. "Yeah... okay..."

It felt like I had no control over my limbs or the words that left my lips. I sat down at the table, breakfast in front of me. 

While I ate my breakfast, all I could think about was my body's movement. I felt like my limbs were moving of their own freewill. No control over my own body. The house is silent, my mom sitting across from me. I can't stay here much longer. I need to leave. I need to talk to Akira. 

Never mind. I won't have time by now. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The train was crowded mainly with students. With my morning delay at home, I was forced to stand again. A quiet sigh left my lips as I held my bag against my chest. I don't know why I'm so paranoid. All I have in here I'm worried about losing is my phone, which I think is good enough reason to keep my bag close to me.

When I got off, Akira was still at the station. I smiled softly to myself. I didn't think he'd wait when I had texted him. "Hey," he waved, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Thanks for waiting. I don't wanna walk to school alone."

"Best to be with a friend."

We headed above ground, Morgana's head sticking out of the bag. "Mrow."

I pet his head as we walked, approaching the front gates. "So, think Kamoshida's gonna be at the front again?"

"Doubtful. He's probably getting everything ready to expel us."

"Can he really do that?"

"Of course he can. If he can get away with everything else he's done, this is nothing."

I frowned. "I can't believe there are people like that."

Morgana let out another soft meow, Akira pushing his head into the bag. "Shush," Akira muttered under his breath. We headed up the stairs. No Kamoshida. That's good so far.

"Don't forget that I'm doing something today and tomorrow."

"Yeah. I remember." I tried to hide my disappointment. Damn. At times like these, I wish I had more friends. "Good luck in class." I walked ahead of him, entering the classroom. I had seen Kamoshida walking down the hallway. I'd prefer to stay out of his path and maybe he would stay out of mine.

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