Fulfilling a Promise

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"She has a palace?" Ann questioned, Morgana laying down on the table. His tail swings over the edge, the rhythm almost hypnotic. 

"I'm just as shocked as you three. I only know the basics of Palaces and this is new to me."

I sit down, Ryuji leaning back in the chair and rocking it on its back legs. "So, are we gonna check it out?"

Morgana stretches, arching his back. "There's no harm in looking, but we can't go after the treasure unless she asks us to."

I look over the edge of the rooftop. I'm surprised we could get up here today. 

"So, we need to know what would be distorted," Morgana's voice snaps me out of my daze.

"And the specific of what the distortion is," I state, not turning around. 

"Actually, it looks like 'puppet' is the distortion," Ann states, looking at the Meta Nav.

I frown, turning around. "She only put in her name. How is puppet already entered?"

"Well, it seems like it's by keyword. Maybe it heard her yesterday," Morgana mentions. 

Ryuji stands up, grabbing my phone. "Just need a location now. Any ideas?"

"What about 'home'?" Ann asks.

"No candidates found."

Morgana puts his front paws on Ryuji's arm, peaking his head up to look at the screen. "Maybe the school?"

"No candidates found."

Ryuji groans, throwing his head down in defeat. "Did anything she said yesterday stick out?"

Everyone is quiet, staring at me and Morgana. 

"I don't really do anything on my own. I feel like I'm dragged along against my will."

"Maybe it's a person that's distorted? Herself?" Morgana tries.

"No candidates found."

"Parents?" Ann tries next.

"No candidates found."

I tap my foot in thought. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's best to try.


"Candidate found."

Everyone is on their feet now. "Wait, everything was the key word?" Ann exclaims in shock.

"Whoa, her palace must be huge if it includes everything!" Ryuji exclaims, a wide grin on his face. I can't blame him. Kamoshida's palace was grand and it only included the school. 

"Let's head out first. Going in from a rooftop is dangerous," Morgana states, crawling into my bag. 

We stand in the alley in front of the school. "Is everyone ready to go?"

"Remember, we aren't there for the treasure. We're there to look only, Ryuji," Morgana states, jumping onto the ground.

"Why you singling me out?!" Ryuji exclaimed in anger.

I hold my thumb over the button. "Focus. Let's go." I press the button, my head feeling light for a moment. 

When my eyes adjusted, I was surprised with my surroundings. It was a theater. That wasn't what startled me, though. Everything towered over me. I was lower than the seat. At first, I thought everything was just giant.

"Joker!" Ann's voice rings, everyone running over to me. I didn't even realize we were split up. 

"Man, this place is huge!" Ryuji exclaims. 

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