True to His Word, but Not True to Mine

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"You okay, man?" Ryuji asks. I haven't said a word since we left her palace. It's too much for me to handle right now. With Kamoshida's, it was all expected. He's a piece of shit who hurt others, but y/n's isn't what I expected. She seemed so cheerful. She was no doubt desperate last I spoke to her, but I didn't think it was this bad for her.

"Not really. I feel awful."

Ann was holding my bag, Morgana sticking his head out. "We should all see her tomorrow. Including Ann and Ryuji."

I nod. If she doesn't want us to change her heart, the least we can do is include her. She shouldn't feel this alone anymore.

"What should we tell her?" Ryuji asks.

My gaze is still on the ground. "Exactly what she asked for."


I look down the hallway, going up the steps. Akira had texted me, asking to meet him on the rooftop. I wonder if he actually checked...

When I open the door, there's nobody there. The table is empty. Was this supposed to be his idea of a joke?

I sigh. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up..." I turn around and approach the door, a soft meow halting my movement. I turn around, Morgana jumping onto the table.

"Hey, cutie kitty!" I coo, approaching him and rubbing his cheeks. He purrs softly in response. My lips curl into a smile. "Why're you here alone?"

The door opens, multiple pairs of footsteps sounding. I turn around as Morgana jumps off the table. "Sorry I'm late. I needed to drop off a library book," Akira states, setting his bag down. 

I look at the other two people, Ann and Ryuji sitting near the table. Akira grabs another chair and swings it around to the other side of the table. 

"You can sit down. We wanna talk," Ryuji states. 

"What about?" Nevertheless, I take a seat. 

Akira looks at me. "We checked inside your palace, so we wanted to tell you what we saw."

I give a small smile. "Thanks for doing that. I really appreciate it."

Ann looks over at me, but I notice her immediately lower her head again. Morgana is back on the table, laying down.

"You were right about you feeling like a puppet."

I shrug. "I'd hope I'd be right about myself." It sounds sarcastic, but I still had doubts that I was accurate. "So, what was it like?"

"It was gigantic!" Ryuji exclaimed, throwing his arms out. 

"But we were pretty small," Ann mentions.

I frown. "Oh, you all went in?"

"Sorry I didn't say anything, but they're Phantom Thieves as well. Even Morgana," Akira states.

I look at Morgana, who has jumped onto my lap now. He meows at Akira.

"You're saying the cat is a Phantom Thief? How?"

"He doesn't look like this when we go into a palace," Ann states. 

I reach to Morgana, petting him again. "He's a cute one." He meowed again, holding it longer.

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