
911 27 4

"Here you are!" the woman states, setting down two cups of coffee before walking off. My eyes follow her as she leaves. I got a few answers, but it's clear Akira will be just as unsure as me. Where am I even supposed to start?"

"Hey, I need to ask you something about your palace," Akira asks.

I look at him, face twisted in confusion. My cheeks are kind of pale. It still seems weird to think Akira knows so much about me now. I barely knew all that myself. "What is it?"

"The palace started crumbling pretty quickly. It isn't supposed to until the ruler's treasure is taken. But, we never took your treasure. Did you take it by any chance?"

"Wait, treasure? What is it supposed to look like?"

Akira shrugs. "In your case, I'm not sure. In Kamoshida's, it was a crown. But it was in a treasure room. We never saw yours."

"Oh." I lean back. "I never saw it. The palace just started falling apart and we ran."

"Any idea what your treasure could be?"

I shrug. 

Akira taps the table, looking down in thought.

"What is a treasure supposed to be?"

"A source of distorted desires. Like when we removed Kamoshida's treasure, it turned into an Olympic medal. That victory of his went to his head."

I frown. "A source of my distortion? The source is my parents, I think..." Before I let myself continue the thought, I shake my head. "This isn't what I needed to talk to you about. Besides, I can't answer this." I take a sip of my coffee. Not as good as Sojiro's, but it isn't awful. 

"What did you need to talk about?"

"Um... I got this app along with the Metaverse Navigator." I pull out my phone, showing him the Velvet Room app. "I've already used it. I met Caroline, Justine, and Igor. It took me to a jail cell?"

Akira raised his head the slightest bit, our eyes locking to each other. "Wait, are you talking about the Velvet Room?"

"So you do know about it?"

"Yeah. I can hold more than one persona. And fuse them to make them more powerful."

"Why am I allowed access then?"

"Can you hold more than one persona?"

I shake my head. "I talked to them this afternoon. They said I'm there for... something about strengthening our bond?"

Akira tapped the edge of his mug. His left elbow was propped up on the table with his head in his hand. His fingers were brushing through his knotted hair. "I think I get it now..." he mutters. 

"Get what?"

"It's hard to explain. Consider it a way for me to gain strength. I can fuse and hold more than one persona, but having stronger relationships lets me create stronger personas."

I frown, tilting my head. "I don't get it."

Akira gives a small smile. "I didn't expect you to."

"So, what about this contract? Igor said a contract you signed allowed our bond."

"A contract? I never signed a contract." 

My heart skips a beat, but I hide any shock my face could show. "You have to be lying, though. Maybe he tricked you?"

He is quiet. A sigh leaves his lips, fingers curling around the mug handle. "I signed a contract that allowed entrance to the Velvet Room. That's all he said. 'Only those who signed the contract may enter.' Maybe it did mean it was more than me, but I know about as much as you."

Akira slides out of the booth, leaving money on the table. "We should step out, though. I have to talk to you about a few things."

I'm on my feet now, a bit unsatisfied with the answer I received. However, it isn't like I've been left with a choice. Besides, I imagine I'll receive answers to questions I haven't asked yet. "Where to then?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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