I Am Thou

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My surroundings are not as fuzzy, red and black splashes of color replacing the blurriness. I look around, noticing that I am on top of one of the theater seats. How is this my palace? What is it supposed to mean?

I look ahead, multiple figures seeming tiny from the distance. Their movements are fast, one of them seeming so boneless. Despite my difficulty in seeing them clearly, I know who they're supposed to be. 

How was I going to make it there, though? I don't feel very confident in my ability to jump from seat to seat. But I wasn't going to understand staying here...


I lean back, Morgana jumping over my body. He used his weight to spin, sword in hand. Her shadow was pulled backwards roughly in response. "Joker!" Ryuji shouts, pointing at the strings. 

I push myself onto my feet, spinning my dagger in between my fingers. We can't keep fighting this much longer. My energy is running low and I can't afford to fall now. 

Ryuji releases Captain Kid, a bolt of electricity making my hair stand on end. The bolt connected with y/n's shadow, shocking her in place. Ryuji beams brightly, but his legs look like they're about to give out. 

I dash towards the shadow, swiping my dagger towards the strings. When the blade connects, the four of us are blown off the stage. I hold my head, looking at the strings. A bright yellow aura surrounds the strings, but not even a thread is out of place. 

"I thought we'd be able to cut those now," Ryuji groans, sitting himself up.

"She must not really be allowing us to help then," Morgana states, having a hard time holding up his head. 

I look back at her shadow, who only blankly stares back at me. Her hand is outstretched, aimed towards me. "Go home." Her hand has a purple glow, black and red laced into the purple orbs at the tips of her fingers. I shut my eyes, preparing for the incoming blast as I throw my arms over my face.


My heart is pounding, my calves burning and heels aching as I keep jumping from one chair to the next. I stumble a few times, slipping on the pieces of metal when I don't jump far enough. 

"Stop!" My voice echoes through the room, a figure that looks exactly like me looking to me. Her hand lowers, the color orbs fading away. Is that supposed to be me?

It aims their hand to me now, a straight purple shot aimed at my my feet. I trip over my shoes, falling to the next seat. I see my shoes are scorched slightly, a bit of smoke coming off the soles of the shoes. The skirt of my school uniform is torn at the end as well. 

"Oh crap...! There's no telling what could happen now," Morgana's voice comes out. I look down, seeing them all on the chair beneath me. I give a shy smile before pushing myself to my feet. 

"Why are you doing this?" I question, jumping onto the seat and down to the floor. It looks down at me, unmoving.

"Because they're trying to change us."

I climb up the steps, struggling a bit. But I have to at least buy us time. "But we asked them, didn't we?"

There's no response for a full minute. I'm still struggling to climb up the stairs, but at least she isn't attacking.

"We didn't expect help. We should change ourselves." Her voice is monotone.

"How do you want to change? What do we want to be?" I ask. When I reach the larger stage, the two figures from behind the stage my shadow resides on step out. 

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