A New Confidant

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My eyes feel sealed shut, trying to remain shut for a few moments longer. However, the blaring alarm forces me to remove an arm into the frigid air. I groan as I roll onto the floor. It takes me a moment to pick myself up. I packed my school bag the night before. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I have a little less stress on my shoulders today. Akira and I made plans to hang out at LeBlanc after school, so it makes me feel a bit more at ease. It's easier to avoid Kamoshida with Akira around.

My mom is heading out the door when I walk downstairs. If I want to make it to the station early, I'll have to skip breakfast. I check my wallet, seeing I have enough yen to buy something at school. I head out the door and lock it behind me, running for the station.

When I arrive at the Shibuya station, Akira is waiting for me. He waves towards me, giving me a shy smile. His hand reaches to his glasses, adjusting them slightly.

"Hey. You look awake."

I look at him, frowning. "No sarcasm. Unless you brought me some coffee from LeBlanc." I don't usually like coffee, but Sojiro's is the only kind I'll drink. Thinking now, I could really go for some coffee and curry.

"Not today. It's hard enough to get here in time."

"Did you finish your thing?" My gaze is locked at my feet. I don't really look up when I walk. Although, I do glance towards Akira's feet to remind myself he's there.

"Yeah. I'm free for a while now."

I frown, glad he couldn't see it. We aren't that close. I think he just stays near me now because of Kamoshida. It isn't like I have a right to complain, though. That was the biggest reason I became friends with him.

"That's good." We become quiet, Akira looking to his phone. Morgana peeks out of the bag, meowing softly. I look to his fuzzy face as I absently pet him. He purrs softly in response. 

"Still good after school?" Akira questions.

I nod. "Yeah. Where we going anyway?"

"I figured the diner in Shibuya would be fine. That okay for you?" 

I nod again. "I could go for some steak."


Akira and I are sitting across from each other, me absently tapping my pencil against the table. I had asked if we could study, since I've been distracted any other time I try to study. 

I haven't said a word yet, but neither has he. Kamoshida wasn't at school today, which threw me off a bit more. If he really is taking time off, should I really hold Akira back from hanging out with Ryuji or Ann? 

I sigh, putting my head on the table. "This sucks." I wasn't talking about my homework. I can't think straight around Akira now. Once he arrives, Kamoshida focuses on me. After he's gone for two days, Kamoshida isn't around. Things changed quickly with him around and it upsets me. Nobody else has been able to help me like he has by just existing. 

"Which class are you on?" Akira questions, setting his coffee cup down. 

My face pales. I can't tell him about what I'm really thinking. He might think he needs to stay by me. I don't want him to feel obligated through guilt. "Oh, the English test we have Tuesday," I lie, moving my empty plate aside. "I usually think I'll be fine in English, but I can't remember how to use these words."

Akira moves the paper to get a better look, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "It's technically 'couldn't care less.' It means they wouldn't be able to care any less if they tried. 'Could care less' means that they should technically care a little bit. It's used wrong a lot, so it's a bit of a trick question."

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