Questioning the Master

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I grip the cold metal bars, looking at Igor. My body is fast asleep, but my mind resides in the cell of the Velvet Room. I had too many questions about this place to focus on class.

"You're a very interesting guest thus far. I hold high hopes for your future endeavors," Igor states, Caroline and Justine looking ahead to him. Caroline spins on her heels, smacking the bars with her baton. I jump back, toes curling.

"You better live up to our master's praise, inmate!"

I look at Igor again, grabbing the bars. "I have so much to ask about. I can't focus without answers."

He gives a quiet hmm, his gaze locked on mine. I struggle to hold confidence from his gaze. It isn't like he has to answer my questions. All I have that could give me answers is his own curiosity. 

"Very well. I will allow three questions for me. However, questions about the nature of personas are best directed towards Caroline and Justine. I suggest finding the right words for your questions."

I smile, ecstatic about the response. It isn't enough to be enthusiastic, but I may get answers without having to wait for Akira. Besides, it isn't like he knows enough, either. I can ask the man who brought me here in the first place.

"You mentioned a contract Akira signed. How am I involved?"

He seems lost in thought again. Why does he have to hesitate?

"The simple answer is your bond with the Trickster. I have allowed you to share this experience as aid for his journey."

My excitement fizzles out. Am I being used all over again?

"But why me? He has Ann and Ryuji already. What kind of aid can I provide him?"

"I chose you as an additional ally due to your own growth. The bond you will share relies on your own growth as well as his own. Your aid, while fundamentally the same as any other confidant, will allow for his own growth to understand different reasons to fight."


Caroline's baton hits the bars again. I look down at her, startled. "Those were your three questions, inmate!"

"Any further questions must be directed to us, but we do not guarantee an answer," Justine states.

"Why am I able to come the Velvet Room then?" I ask, looking at Justine. I'm too nervous to look Caroline in the eye. 

"That is a question only for our master." Justine looks at her clipboard, flipping through multiple pages.

"But what even happens here?"

Caroline provides an answer this time. "The other inmate is the wild card. He can hold more than one persona. Our job is to fuse personas he brings to make him stronger and more powerful personas."

"However, the process is unique to him and him alone. His friends do not know, thus asking or informing them would be useless," Justine adds.

"Don't think you have that same privilege, inmate!" Caroline informs me. 

"Yes. You do not have access to this room for strengthening your persona. Your access is only meant to strengthen your bond."

I look down, tapping my foot nervously. "So, I'm still a puppet?"

"On the contrary. You may not understand yet, but your access to the Velvet Room will be very important later in the game," Igor states. 

I'm surprised he gave an answer. "That was rhetorical, but thanks." As strange as it is, his answer does provide minor comfort. So far, my visits to the Velvet Room have been of my own freewill. I fell asleep in class in hopes of finding a way here. "A place between dream and reality" was my only real lead to entering without the app. 

A bell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Time to wake up, inmate!" Caroline shouts. The wall behind me opens, the cell engulfed in a bright blue light. I step out, my arms slowly losing their restraints. 


"Master, I thought you only allowed her three questions," Justine questions. I chuckle softly. 

"If her question was not answered, she may have failed to continue her path with the Trickster. It was a necessary answer. One she needed to hear to continue pushing forward." It was all true. If she continued to think of herself as a puppet, my game would be over. She is my own little test subject. If a human has a chance for true answers, will they continue searching for them? So far, the answer is yes. But what will they give up in return for such answers?


I head outside, grabbing a drink from the vending machine. Y/n said to meet her outside, but I'm still confused. Morgana sticks his head out of my bag. "So, what should I do while you're out?"

"I don't know. You usually wander around anyway when I'm out with friends."

"I know. I'm just running out of things to do!"

I open my drink. "Well, we still need to sell that medal..."

"You know I can't do that."

"I know. But I wanted you to check around the air-soft shop. Make sure it's okay I sell it there. I don't need to be expelled from Shujin because I'm selling a fake Olympic medal. How do I explain that?"

Morgana is quiet for a moment. "Hey, did we ever get a treasure from y/n's palace?"

I frown. "I never grabbed one. Her shadow transformed and we had to leave."

"But we never took the treasure..."

I tap my foot. "I'll ask Ann and Ryuji, but I never saw a treasure even appear."


I wipe my mouth clear of drool. I've never taken a nap in the middle of class like that, but I've definitely paid the price. I still feel exhausted and I failed to hear the final bell ring. With my bag now over my shoulder, I run out of the classroom and down the stairs. 

It isn't like I'm running late. Students are still wandering the halls, but I don't want to make Akira wait too long. 

When I round the corner, I notice Akira is leaning against the wall, soda can in hand. Good. It doesn't seem like I held him back for too long. 

"Yo!" I run over to him. 

He turns his head in my direction. "Hey. What took you so long?"

My cheeks are burning as I rub the back of my neck. "I- uh... I fell asleep..."

Morgana sticks his head out of Akira's bag. "Don't make it a habit. Even though you're a Phantom Thief, you can't slack off on your studies."

I rub Morgana's head. "That isn't why I fell asleep. I needed some time to think and it helps." 

Morgana pulls away from my hand, hiding back in Akira's bag. I giggle softly. 

"Ready to go then? Morgana's gonna walk around while we talk."


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