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Kiaras POV

For the past 2 weeks I've been moved in at the trap house, my sleep schedule was the opposite of everyone else's in the house.

When they were asleep, I was awake. I didn't talk to anyone except for jake.

I would wake up at night at do my normal routine. Just as you would do during the day.

Because honestly, my anxiety cant handle living with all of these people, so I did what I could to handle the situation.

But then one night, when i was making cookies in a cupcake pan at 3 am, someone came downstairs.

I didn't know at first because I was listening to my headphones loudly. (Peach scone by hobo Johnson on SoundCloud)

Then I heard a voice as I was looking at the cookies threw the oven doors.

I took out my headphones and froze


And there he was, standing shirtless in the kitchen

Colby Brock.

I've known Colby for a while but I've never hung out with him or talked to him. I'm not even sure he remembers my name

Gosh he's so hot.

"Ummm hello?" He said confused. "Who are you"

"K-kiara" I said brushing hair behind my ears. "Jakes sister"

"Oh I didn't realize you moved in!" He said "when did you get here"

"A little over two weeks ago" I said as I looked at the floor.

"Wait what ?" He said super shocked "how come I haven't seen you around"

I shrugged my shoulders "because when you're awake, im asleep" I said quietly.

"Is this why the kitchen is always clean when I wake up ?" He asked chuckling, taking a seat at the edge of the island.

"Yeah I usually make food and clean up afterwards" I said

"Oh yeah ?" He said "what are you making tonight"

"Cookies" I said quietly "did you want some"

"Yeah sure, I'm always down for cookies " he said smiling and shrugging his shoulders

Omg he's so cute. His smile is so cute.

We were both waiting for the cookies to be done. I was standing by the oven, he was at the island on his phone.

Then he dropped it, causing me to flinch.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said, I turned around shyly. "Is this why you're up at night? Because you don't like loud noises"

I knodded yes.

"Oh I understand" he said "did I scare you when I came down stairs?"

I knodded again yes.

"I'm sorry" he said.

He looked so genuine. And sexy, but thats a different topic. He said sorry like he cared.

"It's ok" I stuttered as I took the cookies out of the oven and placed them on top of the stove.

Colby's POV

As I was talking to Kiara a realized that the world was scary to her. She doesn't like loud noises or a bunch of people. She has a ton of anxiety.

Which is a shame because she's really pretty.

And I'm not saying that because she has an hourglass body shape with an ass to die for.

She pretty because of her facial features. The way she studied me when I walked in the room. The way her green eyes sparkled with the lights hit them. They way she awkwardly smiles and plays with her hair. They way her hair frames her cheekbones.

I could tell right away she wasn't like any other girl I've ever met. She's so closed off and quiet

Yes she's got some mental issues, but that's no reason to not love someone for who they are. I think she's perfect the way she is.

"D-did you want some" she said as she carefully set the paper plate down.

"Sure, these look amazing" I said as I began eating them. "Do you want some?"

She pointed to a bag of them on the counter "I have some for later" she said as she opened the cabinet below the sink.

I was confused on what she was doing.

She was cleaning. What surprised me was that she wasn't just cleaning her mess, the was cleaning the whole kitchen.

"You don't have to do that" I said

"No it's fine" she said as she began loading the dishwasher "I like things being clean anyways"

"Do you need any help?" I asked as I bit into my 3rd cookie.

"No" she said "but when you're done can you put the rest of your cookies in a bag please" she was so soft spoken.

Then she began wiping down the counters

"Yeah no problem" I said as I saved one cookie in my hand as I put the other 5 in a bag.

Then she finished cleaning. She put away all of the supplies.

The kitchen never looked better. There were not dishes in the sink and not a crumb in the counter.

"Well goodnight Colby" She said as she awkwardly waved and went upstairs.

"Goodnight Kiara" I said as I ate my last cookie and turned of the kitchen light.

Then I went to sleep, while she was still awake.

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