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Kiaras POV

We eventually fell asleep, then I woke up about an hour later. Colby was still sleeping.

He is so cute.

Then I realized why I woke up. Someone was knocking on my door.

I carefully climbed over Colby (I was on the wall side of the bed) and went up to the door.

"Who is it?" I said softly.

"It's Jake" he said.

I froze. He's super overprotective about guys. And he might get mad at Colby if he saw him in my bed.

"Are you dressed?" He asked.

"Yes but-" I started but Jake opened the door slightly.

"I'm doing laundry and I wanted to know if you needed anything washed." He asked

"Umm yeah" I said, closing the door. I put my dirty clothes in my laundry basket and went back to the door.

I opened the door a little more.

But then Jake swung it open all the way to get the basket.

He froze "K? Who is in your bed?" He asked.

"It's not what it looks like" I said.

Jake leaned against my door frame and gave me a suspicious look.

"I'm serious" I said.

He glanced at Colby and then back at me. "I'm trying to trust you." He said sighing. "But you know I don't like this"

He looked over at Colby again. "If I find out that you guys did anything...like stuff...I'm-" I cut him off

"Nothing is going on Jake" I said

We were silent for a minute. "Fine. I believe you" he said.

He took my basket and left. I was kind of sad because I really want me and Colby to be something.

But I guess I'm just going to have to be sneaky about it.

He left and I closed the door. I carefully walked back to the bed. I put my left knee on the edge of the bed and I slowly tried to climb over him to get to my spot.

Then his head moved and he wiped his face.

I froze and my heart beat went nuts.

He opened his eyes and giggled.

"Whatcha doin?" He asked very playfully.

"Uhh-" I swallowed a lump in my throat "trying to get back to my spot"

"It's ok kiara" he said, putting his hands on my lower back "you don't have to be so tense"

I took a deep breath and sat down on his upper thighs.

"That's better" he said "now you're more relaxed"

I laughed.

As my laugh trailed off, I smiled and looked in his eyes. They're so icy. So blue.

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