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kiaras POV

It was around 1 pm and I was just laying in my room, being bored. The someone knocked on my door.

My heart was beating fast, I didn't know if I should say something or not.

"Kiara, it's Jake" he said as he came in my room. "Do you want to go to lunch with us?"

I thought for a second. Can I handle being around all those people?

"Who all is going" I asked

"Me and Colby" he said.

"Where are you going"

"In n out" he said

"Sure" I said.

"Do you think you can handle it." He said sitting on my bed "because I don't want you to feel like I'm making you go"

"No I understand. I'm going to try to go with you" I said standing up and fixing my hair.

Minutes later I was sitting in the back of his car, jake driving, Colby in the passenger seat.

Then we arrived.

In n out at 1pm. Not a good idea. Long lines and hella people.

Colby turned to me and mouthed "you ok?"

I knodded yes and took a deep breathe. Then I trailed behind Jake, holding onto the arm of his sweatshirt.

Jake opened the door, and my heart skipped 8 beats.  It was really loud in there.

I tried control my breathing, I don't know if I can.

After a few minutes of waiting in line, we were ready to order.

Both of the guys spoke, jake asked me what I wanted

"Cheeseburger and a chocolate shake please" I said quietly.

Jake repeated my order and paid as I found us a table.

The guys found me a minute later after they got their drinks.

Colby day next to me, our backs to a window, and jake sat across from us.

Then a group of sketchy teenage boys sat next to us.

They made me feel nervous because of what happened to me 2 years ago. Jake must've read my mind because he shot me a concerning glance.

Then more people entered the restaurant, and more and more and more.

I don't know if I can handle this.

Everyone was so loud, my palms started sweating and it was getting hard for me to breathe.

Colby put a hand on my back "just breathe ok" he said in a soft, supportive voice.

I knodded again. "I think I just need to go to the car for a few minutes" I got up.

"Ok I'll text you when the foods here." Jake said.

"Do you wan-" Colby started but I had already walked out the door and jogged to the car.

I opened the door and sat in the drivers seat. I put my head in my hands and tried to breathe.

I was getting dizzy and I wanted to cry.

I was beginning to freak out.

Then Colby scared me when he opened the passenger door. "Is everything ok?"

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak. I was shaking I was crying.

I was having an anxiety attack in an in n out parking lot.

I wiped my tears and looked up at him.

He seemed to understand what was happening.

He got out of the car and walked around to my side of the car, he opened my door.

"Kiara" He said "look at me"

I looked up at him. "Breathe ok" He said

But I couldn't. My chest was heavy and I just couldn't.

"Ok try this" He said "close your eyes and take my hands."

I closed my eyes and I felt his rings as I clasped my hands on his.

"Try to relax" he said "just focus on my hands in yours"

He lightly squeezed my hands. I squeezed his back. His grip was light, I was able to easily able to move my fingers.

I twisted his rings around and played with the ridges in his finger nails.

He took away one of his hands and wiped away my tears.

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Everything's gonna be ok" he said "you just have to trust me. whenever you need me, I'm there"

I smiled.

Colby's POV

I felt so horrible. Me and jake wanted to take her out to lunch, I never knew that she would freak out like this.

I tried to calm her down but she just couldn't. So I took her hands. She was super tense, she was shaking so much.

Then I told her to focus, I squeezed her hands and she eased up.

Then eventually her breathing went back to normal. I wiped the tears off of her face.

Then Jake came up behind me with Kiaras food.

"Kiara is everything ok" he said as he looked down at our hands.

"Y-yeah I'm good now" she said.

"Colby, do you mind driving?" Jake said. I nodded.

Kiara got up and sat in the back seat, jake sat next to her.

They were whispering and the only parts that I could make out were :

"Did they say anything ?" Jake said

She shook her head no. "It was just the memories, they reminded me of them"

I wonder what they are talking about.

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