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This is a few months in the future. Colby and Kiara are still together and their relationship is at its best. But Jake got a call, his mom wants to stop by at the house and stay the night, while on her way to San Francisco.

Kiaras POV

Me and Colby are amazing. Sex is normal for us now.  We are about to hit 6 months in our relationship and I've never been happier.

I went downstairs in the morning after I woke up. I had a hickey on my lower collar bone, but it was fading away.

Jake was standing at the island and he looked worried.

"Jake What's wrong" I asked.

He rubbed his face. "Don't hate me please"

"I would never" I said "what happened"

He sighed and looked at me with concern.

"What" I said laughing "it's not like moms coming here"

He looked at the floor and stayed silent.

"Jake.." I said "Are you fucking kidding me"

"I'm sorry!" He said "she just now called me and said that she's got an Uber coming over here"

I slammed my hand on the counter. "So she'll be here any fucking minute!"

"Yes." Jake said. "I'm sorry."

It was silent. The he spoke again.

"And she's staying the night" he said

I punched the fridge door.

"Where the hell is she even gonna sleep" I yelled.

Jake flinched "She said she wants your room, you can stay with Colby and I'll make sure she won't pester you"

"Oh we both know she's going to pester me" I yelled "whether you stop her or not"

Then Colby walked in. "Hey is everything okay"

"No!" I yelled and leaned against the counter. "I'm leaving"

"Where are you going" they both asked.

"I don't know but not here !" I yelled and walked towards the door.

Colby ran to me. "Hey hey hey! What's going on! You don't have to leave"

"My moms coming" I said. Colby pulled me back into the kitchen.

"It'll be okay" he said.

Then the door opened. "Where's my baby Jake at!" Mom said as she opened the door.

Of course she's not happy to see me.

Jake walked up to her and hugged her. "How's everything?" He asked.

"Oh everything's great!" She said in her annoying voice "I'm just visiting your aunt in San Fran"

I rolled my eyes.

She walked past me and into the kitchen to put her purse on the counter.

"Kiara..." She said with a tone. "I see you're the same"

What the hell is that supposed to mean!

Colby glanced at me. I stared right at my mom. She stared back.

"And I see you're not any better either" I muttered.

She grabbed my wrist aggressively. "What was that" she said.

I glared at her and I pushed her chest back.

"I said...you not doing any better either" I said louder.

Jake cut in. "Let me show you your room." He said and led her upstairs.

"She's sleeping in my room" I said to Colby as I crossed my arms and followed her with my eyes.

"Does that mean you'll be sleeping with me" he smirked.

I laughed. "My god Colby" I pushed his hair back. "Yes" I said.

He always knows how to make me smile.

I went up to my room and moved some of the stuff into Colby's room.

"Ugh it's so dark and depressing in here" my mom snarked as she put her suitcase next to my bed.

"Yeah I wonder why" I said sarcastically as I grabbed some clothes and walked to Colby's room.

My mom stopped me in the hallway and turned me to face her.

She put her finger on my collarbone.

"Hmm" She said. "So you're a slut now"

I scoffed. Does she have no filter?

"Yep" I said

"Figures" She said as I opened Colby's door and put my clothes on the couch. I closed the door behind me.

"Did you just come here to fight with me and make me feel bad" I said, crossing my arms. "Because if you want to fight, I won't hesitate"

She glared at me. "I'm surprised you're not cowering down like you used to"

"Well I'm way more mentally healthy after I moved out of your house" i said as I started to walk downstairs.

"Oh you're blaming me" she said as she followed me. "You made your own decisions"

"But how many of my decisions have you manipulated me to make?" I asked as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Jake was sitting on the couch.

Mom tapped my shoulder. "When have I ever manipulated you?" She sarcastically asked.

I started laughing. She backhanded me across the face.

My instant reaction was to push her into the wall.

Jake ran over and grabbed me. "Mom enough" he said "if you're going to keep doing this to her then you can leave right now"

Mom looked surprised. "Jakey what are you talking about?" She said in a completely different tone. She sounded way nicer when she talked to him. "Didn't you just see her push me?"

Jake rolled his eyes.

"So now you're playing the victim when you started it?" I said.

"Kiara" she said. "Stop it"

"Why? So you can't snap at me and reveal who you are?" I said.

She got silent. Then she stared at me. I thought she was attack me.

Colby pulled me away. "Kiara. Calm down" he said. "Just come upstairs with me."

I kept my eyes on her. I didn't say anything.

"Babe cmon please" He said. I looked at the floor, then he started tickling me.

"Really Colby" I said laughing. Then he swept me upstairs.

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