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Kiaras POV

we made it back from lunch. I took my food that Jake brought out for me, and I went straight to my room.

I sat in my bed and closed the door carefully.

I ate my burger and threw the paper wrapper away downstairs then I rushed back up the my room.

Then I heard a knock on my door. My breath stopped. I was still very uneasy.

I didn't say anything, I just carefully walked to my door.

I creaked it open slightly.

It was Colby. I looked up at him from my 5'3 self.

I opened the door a little more.

"Um- err" i stuttered. "Hello?"

I was still embarrassed from earlier.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier" I looked at him confused "I didn't know that would've happened"

"It's not your fault" I said quietly. "You can come in if you want."

"I don't mean to be nosey" he said as he sat on my bed. "You don't have to tell me, but what were you n Jake talking about on the way here"

I hesitated. Do I want to tell him? Jake is the only other person that knows about this, well, besides mom.

I sat down on my bed. It was silent.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable telling me" he said, placing a hand on my knee.

I glanced down at his hand. I could see him from the corner of my eye, he was studying me.

I met his eyes and sighed.

"If you wanna know, you might wanna get comfortable." I said.

I was in a big hoodie and spandex. I crawled to the head of my bed. Colby took off his shoes and sat near my pillows.

So then I began telling my story. Detail by detail. He asked a few questions but he listened very well.

He didn't interrupt. He just listened.

And by the end of my story I was crying again. He looked so shocked.

I lifted up my hoodie to show my 2 1/2 inch scars on my lower torso.

He studied them carefully.

He took my hoodie from my hands and covered up the scars. More tears streamed from my face.

He pulled me into a warm embrace. He was very comfortable.

I felt safe. I haven't felt that in a long time.

He put his legs up on the bed and pulled the covers over us.

I lay my head on his chest. He smelled really good.

He played with my hair and rubbed my back.

Then I moved my head up to his neck. I played with his rings. I love his rings.

He wiped the tears from my face.

"You'll be safe with me" he said "you've got nothing to worry about"

The strange thing was that I believed him. I never wanted to leave his arms. I felt so safe.

Then he kissed my forehead.

I tensed up for a second, but then quickly relaxed.

Because I liked it.

We spent hours in my room. Talking. Listening. Learning about each other. I love being with him. I love his affection.

I think I may love him.....

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