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Colby's POV

I woke up the next morning at around 10 am. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

I saw Jake sitting on the couch. I rubbed my eye and sat next to him.

"Morning bro" Jake said.

"Morning" I said

"I have a question" I said as Jake looked at me "What's the backstory behind your sister"

He chuckled "wow so straightforward Colby, are you trying to bone my sister" he said, acting shocked

I laughed under my breath. "No I'm just wondering because I woke up last night to go to the bathroom and I saw that the kitchen lights were on"

"Yeah she likes being up at night because there's less people" Jake said

"Why" I asked "I'm not trying to be nosey but did something happen to her?"

"Yeah some stuff has happened but she's always had really bad anxiety." He said "plus she's new to the house, once she starts to get comfortable she might be more social"

I knodded. I want to know what happened to her but I don't want to push and be weird.

Kiaras POV —midnight

I'm tired of being so worried all the time. I know that doing drugs is bad, but it really helps my mental state.

So I called my friend and she gave me a contact for a guy in downtown LA.

So I asked Jake if I could borrow his car. He said yes.

So I crept downstairs, everyone else was upstairs and in their rooms.

I drove and parked a block away from where I was meeting the guy.

I saw him standing outside of this building, smoking something.

"Hi.." I said, awkwardly waving.

"Are you K" he said. I only gave him my first letter of my name just to be safe.

"Yes I am" I said

"200" he said "for everything"

I pulled out 200 and and put in on a little table next to him.

He put down a bottle of xans, a wax pen, and 4 wax cards.

I grabbed the stuff as he grabbed the money.

"If you need more stuff just hit me up" he said as I walked away

"Ok thank you" I walked back to my car, Locked it, and drove away.

I know it's wrong to do stuff like this but I need to. I can't live in fear all my life, I need something to help me.

I headed back to the house, since the vape
Shop that I want to go to closed at 11

I parked Jakes car, locked the gate and slowly opened the door.

I creaked loudly and i flinched.

Then I just swung the door open and I closed it behind me.

I went into my room with all of my new stuff. I created a hiding stop in my closet for my pills and wax.

I brought out the pen and I set it up. I opened my window and took a hit, blowing the white cloud out of my window, trying to avoid the smell in my room.

After a few hits I put the wax pen with the other stuff.

I lay in my bed, feeling a pressure being lifted off of my chest, my eyes began to squint.

I let the high overcome me. It felt amazing.
(Don't do drugs😂)

Then I was hungry. I opened my door and I went downstairs.

I looked around the kitchen. I saw queso cheese and hot Cheetos.


I poured the queso in my bag of hot Cheetos. I sat on the kitchen island and began munchin.

Then I heard someone coming downstairs.


I smiled.

"What are you doing down here" I asked "it's 1:30am"

"I want to talk to you" He said.

My heart fluttered.

"Oh" I said blushing.

"You're not as nervous today" he said, smiling

"Well I'm high as shit" I said as I put more cheesy Cheetos in my mouth.

He shook his head and laughed. "That's not good for you Kiara"

"I know but it helps" I said chuckling. "Did you want some Cheetos"

"No I'm good" he said sitting down and facing me. "I just wanted to talk to you"

"Me?" I said pointing at myself, looking confused.

"Yes you" He said chuckling "I want to get to know you"

And so we did. We talked and talked and talked for hours. Until about 4am.

I told him all about myself and the stories I've been through.

He told me his stories. We laughed. We got serious.

Why am I spilling my life story to him? I feel comfortable around him.

I don't know if that's because of the THC, or something else.

"Colby you need to go to sleep" I said "you're gonna fuck up your sleep schedule"

"I don't mind" he said, looking into my eyes. "We should do something"

"Together?" I asked

"Well duh" he said laughing "together"

"Yeah sure" my heart rate picked up.

Does he really wanna hang out with me?

I'm probably gonna embarrass myself. I'm probably going to fuck something up. And it's all going to go horribly wrong.

Or maybe it won't.

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