Chapter Seven

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Dick didn't know whether to smile, hug his friend or just lie down in a fetal position. This was all becoming way too much. Wally, Kid Mouth, his best friend was not only grown up but he had a kid! A teenager no less.

'Your eyes are really weird.' Said teenager was looking at Dick intently, leaning forward to get a better look without actually getting closer to the Talon.

'Ben!' Wally reprimanded, before looking back to Dick. 'Sorry, doesn't have a filter between his brain and mouth.'

'That sounds familiar.' Dick heard himself say and as Wally laughed he felt more at ease.

'Ben, go find your mother.' Wally said and in the blink of an eye, Ben was gone. Yep, definitely Wally's son.

'I take it you finally got a girlfriend then.' Said Dick lightly, he had no idea how to address this situation.

Wally laughed again more self consciously and raised a hand to rub the stubble on the side of his face.

'Yeh, even got her to marry me.'

Dick didn't mean for his expression to sadden, he tried his best to hide it. But Wally was married. He had missed his best friends wedding. The birth of his best friends child. He had missed so much. It wasn't fair.

'Who's the lucky lady?' He asked, trying to distract himself from his lowering thoughts. Again Wally laughed.

'Artemis actually.'

'Took them long enough.' Damian said quietly. Clearly, the sexual tension between the two young heroes had continued long after Dick had left the team...and disappeared. 'I'm going to help Annie with some prep work for Batman.' He gave Bruce a look.

'I will help you.' He said. As much as it was making him feel slightly sick, he knew he needed to let Dick have some independence and start experiencing things on his own again. Catching up with his old friend wasn't something he needed his father for.

After they were gone the two friends stood before each other awkwardly.

'So how you holding up?' Said Wally, walking over to the bench and sitting himself down on it. There was plenty of space for Dick but the young Talon stayed standing, rubbing the remaining blood on his hands.

'I'm ok.'


'No.' Dick admitted, looking up into the nest. He'd fallen from it once when he was younger. He'd broken his ankle for his troubles. Turning his attention to his hands he took in the smooth, undamaged flesh that covered them. It was just a reminder of what he had become. 'Everything is so different.'

'I can't even imagine what you're going through. Or what you've been through!' Wally said gently. Dick could see the concern all over the gingers face. He hated that everyone was so concerned about him.

'I'll be ok.' Dick said thoughtfully.

Wally could tell his young friend was hiding how much he was hurting, but he knew better than to push so he settled for smiling.

'You always were good at getting back on your feet.'

Back on your feet.

'Get back on your feet, Richard.'

Dick shook from the pain in his leg. He tried to stand but his knee was shattered.

'I can't.' He croaked.

'Get back on your feet.' William repeated.

'I can't!' Dick shouted.

'Yes, you can. Allow the electrum to heal your wound.' William said somewhat patiently.

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