Chapter Seventeen

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Like a jolt his eyes flew open, the adrenaline forcing him off his back and onto his feet, hyper-aware of his surroundings. He gasped oxygen into his lungs in pants and looked around, eyes settling on the man walking towards him slowly.

'You're alright Dick.' Said Jason.

'How long?' Dick said, his voice quiet with disuse.

'Five days.' He came closer, looking the boy over. 'How do you feel?'

'Better.' Dick said quickly, all the remnants of the pain were gone. But what was left was a need to move, a need to fight.

'You alright?' Said Jason, sensing his agitation.

'How many people are in the gym?'

'I don't know, a few I would imagine, it's the middle of the day.' Jason could see Dicks muscles twitching. 'Dick?'

'I need to work off this adrenaline. I feel wired.' Dick felt like this body was buzzing. Generally, when they were brought out of hibernation it was to go on a mission, so everything felt heightened and ready for a fight. To wake up with the sudden realisation that there was no mission or training made him feel very out of place. Thankfully, Jason seemed to understand his problem. He brought out his phone and typed into it for a few seconds, then nodded for Dick to follow him.

'Where are we going?' Asked Dick.

'The gym.'

They entered the gym and headed straight for the sparing mats. Dick looked suspicious and his suspicion only grew when Tim, Damian and Terry all joined them dressed in combat suits.

'What's going on?' Asked Tim.

'Dick needs a work out, so we're going to spar.'

'Four on one, that's a little unfair isn't it?' Asked Terry.

'That's why I told you to come in your suits, that way you might actually stand a chance against him.' Jason winked at Dick.

'I don't know.' Said Dick, looking over his family. He didn't want to risk hurting them.

'Dick, we are all wearing protection and you don't have any weapons. Tim and I haven't been in the game for a while, but we're still well trained. Terry's Batman and we all know Damian's still in practice.'

Damian make a tut sound and rolled his eyes, of course, he was still in practice. Training was all he had ever known, he couldn't give that up even if he was no longer an active vigilante. The blood son of Wayne, saw the hesitation in Dick's stance, but when he looked up at Jay's smile he seemed to give in.

'Alright, but you asked for it.' He said.

It didn't take long for other heroes to gather around when they saw that there was about to be a match between all of the Bats.

His brothers and Terry all donned protective masks to their faces, so the only way to decipher between them was their size and the backs of their heads. Together they circled Dick, readying for the fight to begin.

Dick remained for the most part in a relaxed stance, although his body was on high alert he didn't tense it or change how he was standing. He watched them, each in turn as they took their places. Damian was to his left, Jason to his right. Tim was behind him and Terry in front of him. When the voice from the sparring mats began their fight, they all came at him at once in a silent but practiced formation. To the bystanders, and even the Bats, it looked as though they were going to all hit Dick at the same time. But then the Talon disappeared. Not expecting the sudden escape of their target, Terry slammed into Tim and the two were thrown to the ground. Damian and Jason managed to catch themselves and turned around just in time to block an attack from behind. Dick's whole body was off the ground and he was practically balanced on Damians arms which were crossed in an X shape in front of his face. He kicked off, sending Damian stumbling back slightly.

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