Chapter Nineteen

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By the end of the week, Dick was pissed. While he was at school Nelson pecked at his patience. It seemed tormenting the newcomer had become Nelson Nash's new favourite pass time. When he was at home, Jason wouldn't leave him alone. He wanted to run test after test for something he wouldn't disclose to Dick. After three days of blood draws, scans and other invasive tests Dick had had enough.

Thursday night had been the beginning of the breaking point and Dick and Jason had had their first proper argument, which had ended with Dick storming out of the house. He had spent the night at Terry's and had come to school the next day in the same stormy mood.

'You do the dark brooding thing better than Bruce.' Said Terry. They were sat in the gym on the bleachers, enjoying the peace of their lunch break.

'Sorry.' Said Dick.

'Still thinking about Jason?' Terry asked. The Talon hadn't given him much information when he had called him last night. Simply stating that he and Jay had had a huge fight, and could he crash at his house. When Terry had gone to pick him up, not wanting the kid to walk too far in the cold, it was evident he had been biting his lip right up to the point he got in the car. There was blood coating his lip, but the boy rubbed it away on the back of his hand and neither said anything about it.

'I know he wants to do right by me,' said Dick, arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the wall. 'But whatever he is trying to find will only cause him grief.'

Terry raised an eyebrow.

'My DNA isn't human Terry.' Dick said quietly. 'If Jason keeps freaking out about every inhuman thing about me, it's going to drive him (and me) crazy.'

'What do you think he's looking for?'

'I don't know. He won't say, which is annoying because it might be a question, I can just answer for him. Save me getting stuck with a million needles.'

The bell rang, and Dick flinched, even after a week of attending the school his ears had not yet adjusted to the sound of the bell.

They collected their bags and headed back towards the rest of the school. They paused by Dana's locker where they were going to meet up with the girls.

'Well if it isn't the yellow-eyed freak, still coming to school then freak?' Nelson and his crew circled around them and others in the hall stopped to watch.

'Not in the mood Nash.' Said Dick, for the most part ignoring the taller teen.

'What did you say to me?' Nelson drew closer.

'I said I'm not in the mood to deal with your bull shit.' Dick repeated with more venom.

Dana appeared at Terry's side looking worried.

'Come on Dick, let's get to class.' She said, the look in Dick's eyes was worrying her. It was dark.

Dick seemed to listen and turned away from the boys and began walking with her.

'I'm not finished with you Todd.' Nelson snarled.

'I'm done with you.' Said Dick, his tone now bored.

Nelson looked at his friends, each of them was looking at him to answer back. He couldn't let this kid get away with talking to him like that. He had a reputation to uphold.

'Running away Todd? Just like your Uncle did.'

Dick stopped, and Nelson knew he had hit a nerve.

'Leave it, Nelson.' Said Terry but the bully didn't listen.

'You know I reckon that reporter was right. I reckon your dad had something to do with it, that's why he named you after him, out of guilt.' Nelson smirked. 'Is that why your mom left you and why your so messed up Todd. Did your daddy kill Grayson?'

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