Chapter Thirteen

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Jason rubbed his arm where a set of bruises were beginning to appear. True to his word, Dick hadn't said a word when they had arrived home and had allowed Bruce to take the necessary steps to test once again for the virus. While the blood was being drawn he had closed his eyes and held his breath, his free hand clinging onto Jason's arm tightly. After what had happened with Darren, Jay knew Dick had been holding back his strength but his grip had still been tight.

'It's negative.' Said Bruce, handing Jason the sheet of paper and sitting down beside him. 'I know this is rich coming from me, but don't you think you're being a bit paranoid Jason?'

'We don't know what caused the virus, Dick could contract it at any time.' Jason explained, gripping the paper in his hands. He had tried to hide his fear from Dick, but for a moment in the school, it had overwhelmed him, the fear that he might lose him again.

'Where is he?' Said Bruce gently. He was surprised at his son. He had taken to being a guardian in much the same way he had himselOverprotectiveive, paranoid, constantly worrying about his young charge. He found it slightly ironic and even more messed up that they had both started out as parents to the same young boy. He shook away the thoughts.

'He's asleep. I think the city overwhelmed him a bit.'

'How did the school visit go? Do you think he will be alright?'

'I think with Terry there he will be fine.' Jason looked down at the marks on his arm again. Bruce followed his gaze, the bruises were beginning to look like small finger prints. 'He needs something normal in his life.' Jason continued. 'There is so much he isn't telling us. Maybe if he starts to feel normal again he will open up to us a little more.'

Jason wasn't really talking to anyone in particular, at this point he was more musing to himself.

As if to distract him from these thoughts, Damian appeared on the stair case that descended to the depths of the cave.

'Gordon rang.' He said, casually walking over. 'Apparently, Darren's arm will heal fine and they've banged him up for breaking and entering, blackmail and possession with intent to supply.'

Bruce smirked, he had to hand it to Babs, if she knew someone was guilty she would find everything they had to hide. Her father would have been proud.

'Is she alright?' He asked his youngest. 'She left here in a bit of a hurry after she saw Dick.'

'You know what Gordon's like, she doesn't like to show emotion and seeing Dick again must have been a shock for her. She'll be back once she's had a chance to process.'

The others stared at Damian.


'Gordon doesn't like to show her emotions? I'm not sure you're the best person to judge someone for that Demon Child.' Jason chuckled.

'I wasn't judging, I was making an observation. Shut your face, Todd.'Damian said hurriedly. A small blush creeping onto his cheeks. 'I'm going to get changed.'

As he turned to return back upstairs, Jason called after him to ask if he would check on Dick on his way.

'For goodness sake, Todd. He is not five! You are taking this guardianship way too seriously!'

Before Jason could shout back a response, Damian strode up the stair case and headed towards his bedroom. He could understand Jason's worry, he really could. After having him torn away from them so suddenly the first time, they all wanted to protect the original Robin. But it would do no good to baby him. Being over protective was what drove him away from the manor in the first place. Maybe if Batman hadn't been so protective, Robin would never have left and joined the Titans, then maybe...

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