Chapter Fourteen

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Dick sat very still on a stool in the main room of the mountain. Everything felt like it was rushing past him, everyone moving quickly and shouting. Ben was missing. Someone had taken him.

'How does someone even kidnap a speedster?' Asked Jason, he seemed more distressed than the other bats. He remembered all too clear when this exact scene had played out 20 years ago after the Titans had reported that Robin had been taken from the tower. The memory was making him feel sick as he helped search security footage of the city, trying to discover who had taken his friend's son.

'He's only half a speedster.' Said Wally, paler than usual. 'He can use speed, but he hasn't learnt how to switch it on and off yet. If someone caught him from behind, he wouldn't have the time to use his speed.' The redhead ran a hand over his face. They had seen the footage of Ben being grabbed, but they couldn't work out who had done it or when they had started stalking the boy. 'He was taken almost immediately after Dick left, which means they were targeting Ben or they would have taken Dick too.'

Even as he said this he realised that would have been a better scenario. Dick would have been able to defend himself, it would have given Ben enough time to use his speed. The fact that they had waited till Dick left meant they had wanted Ben specifically.

'Oh God, this is all my fault. They must have targeted him because of the Flash.' Wally buried his head in his hands. Artemis squeezed his shoulder. 'We don't know anything yet. Keep your cool Baywatch.' The nickname held none of the sting it once had, it was now a term of endearment and it seemed to relax Wally, if only slightly.

Tim's fingers were speeding across the keyboard, his frown deepening as he went back through the footage, watching Dick and Ben enjoy their time in the city. On the one hand, he was pleased to see Dick look so normal, but he was also staring intently, looking for the hidden kidnapper he knew must be on the footage somewhere.

Terry came and sat beside Dick, their shoulders touching. The young Talon didn't react.

'It's not your fault you know.' Whispered Terry.

'I should have sensed someone following us.' Said Dick, just as quietly. 'What is the point of having heightened senses if I can't use them to protect the people I love.'

'Dick, you're heightened senses are on overdrive in the city. You've only been in this world nine months. Give yourself a break.'

'Something's come through.' Tim turned to look at the others and they gathered around. It was an audio message. He clicked play but nothing seemed to be playing.

'What the hell is this?' Said Wally, getting frustrated. But Dick shushed him.

All eyes were on Dick as he listened.

'Hello Richard, yes we know who you are. Or more importantly, we know what you are. We are the Parliament of Owls, the next generation from the Court of Owls. We have stripped the order of the old ways and now the only remnant of the old ones is you. The Gray Son, the slave of the Court. Come to us, give yourself up to the new order. Your sacrifice will ensure the freedom of the boy. Our location will come to you soon.' The next thing Dick knew a loud, piercing sound filled the room. Some of the metas flinched but Dick fell to his knees as his eardrums burst. Finally, the sound cut off and Bruce and Jason were at Dick's side.

They helped him to his feet as the blood dripped down from his ears. Dick could hear muffled sounds and knew they were trying to speak to him, but he raised a hand to tell them to wait a moment.

The burning filled his ears as the electrum healed the drums, sound finally started to filter back and he could make sense of the world around him again.

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