Chapter Thirty

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When Wally had done his medical training, he had known he would be working predominately with the Justice League and other heroes. He had specialised in traumatic injuries, which had done him well so far. But because he worked with the same people, he had never really had to break bad news to parents. For which he was glad. But it meant he was out of practice and not confident. It also didn't help that he knew the person he was breaking the bad news too.

'West!' Jason glanced back at him as Wally entered the room. 'Come look at this!' He moved his chair out of the way, so Wally could look into the microscope. 'It's working! Kind of.'

Wally looked and saw what Jason was referring too. The formula they were creating to try and dissolve the electrum was working, but it was only dissolving half of the electrum cells in the sample.

'Another couple of weeks and I think it will be ready.' Jason was practically buzzing with excitement. This made what Wally had to say all the harder.

'Jason.' Wally stopped when his voice cracked, he gathered himself and tried again. 'Jason, he doesn't have a few weeks.'

Jason snapped around to look at him.

'What are you talking about?'

'The dialysis is barely working anymore; his body is shutting down.'

Jason fell back in his chair, shock over his face. He knew Dick was getting worse, but he hadn't realised it would happen this fast.

'The virus is in his brain, it's what's causing the seizures.' Wally continued. 'There are also traces in his lungs, it probably won't be long before he can no longer breathe on his own.'

'How long does he have?' Jason whispered.

'Days.' Wally said sadly. 'Maybe a week.'

Jason's lip quivered, and he leant forward to rest his head in his hands. He stayed that way for a few breaths and then looked back up to the redhead.

'What if we put him on longer dialysis? Or put him in the hibernation chamber, just to buy us some more time to make the cure.'

Wally came and knelt in front of his friend.

'Jason, I've just come from Dick's room. As soon as he knew what was happening, he refused treatment.'

Jason pulled back violently.


'He doesn't want any more dialysis and he's already made us promise not to put him back in the chamber.' Wally could already see where Jay's mind was going. 'Jason, he's over 18. You can't make this decision for him.'

'He's choosing to die!' Jason shouted.

'He's choosing not to prolong the suffering.' Wally retorted.

Jason shook his head and stood up, storming out of the room, down the corridor and into Dick's room. Dick was sat up in bed against the pillows. Despite looking so small and fragile, Jason had never seen his son look so old and wise. The expression on his face showed all the horrors he had faced in his strange and long life. He looked worn and weary.

Anger flared in Jason's chest. It was not anger at Dick, it was anger at the world, at the situation, at himself for being unable to change anything. But he started shouting at the sick Talon all the same. The Talon sat quietly and let him. Only when Jason broke down in tears did Dick react. He reached for Jason's hand and the elder sat on the edge of the bed.

'It's ok Jason. It's time.' He smiled a weak smile that was filled with pain.

'It's not ok.' Said Jason, sniffing against his tears. He was going to lose Dick all over again. When he had first come to stay at Wayne Manor, he had hated Dick Grayson. The boy was so perfect, and he felt like he was in the older boy's shadow. But after some time, Dick's warm nature had melted his own icy exterior and Jason had grown to love his elder brother. When Dick had run away, he had felt betrayed, when he went missing, Jason had been broken. Having Dick back in his life had started to heal the hole that had been in his heart for over two decades. But now the wound was being ripped open all over again.

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