Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It had been over a year since they had thawed the boy from the ice. It seemed so long ago now, so much had happened, so much had changed. They had celebrated Dicks 'birthday' with a small gathering at the manor; too many people-tired Dick out so they kept it small and the sick Talon seemed to enjoy himself. Until it had suddenly gone very wrong. With the excitement of the evening, the time had gotten away from them and the time for Dick's treatment came and went. If Dick had felt discomfort before he collapsed, he hadn't shown it. One moment he was thanking Bruce for throwing him the party, the next his eyes were rolling into the back of his head and he was limp in the old man's arms. It took them several hours to get him stable again. Wally said Dick had suffered from a mini seizure. From that moment, the already strict routine they had held over Dick became stricter and the little freedom the bird had had was locked away. He was no longer allowed to leave the mountain, and he was to either be monitored or supervised at all times. It took Dick a week to grow tired of his new rules, after a month he was at breaking point.

'I want to go out.'


Dick glared at Jason as the other took a sample of his blood.

'Why not?'

Jason put the cap on the blood sample and stuck some gauze to Dick's arm.

'Because, Dick.'

'Don't start that again.' Said Dick, annoyed that Jason always thought that would be enough of an answer.

'I'm sorry Dick, I'm not risking it.'

'But I miss my friends.' Terry still came to see him, but he missed hanging out with him, Max and Dana. He never thought he would say this, but he missed being able to go to school. Bruce had released a statement that Dick was suffering from a rare blood disease and was too sick to return. At first, Terry had come to see him, bringing get well wishes and news from the school. But after a while it stopped, his classmates were moving on with their lives. Forgetting about the boy who had sat among them for a while.

Jason sighed and put the sample down on the small metal table at his side.

'Dick, we are all trying as hard as we can to make you better. You just have to be patient.'

'But what if you can't make me better.' said Dick, his tone deadly serious. 'What if I die having seen nothing but this room for months.'

'You're not going to die...' Jason's tone held less certainty.

'I'm a prisoner to this machine.' He held up his arm that still had the tubes attached to his flesh. 'I am as trapped here, as I was in the chamber.'

Jason shook his head. 'Just give me some more time.'

'I've had enough of time! Time has been tormenting me since I woke up a year ago.' Dick shouted.

'Watch your tone.' Said Jason.

Dick's jaw tightened, he lay down on the bed and turned his body away from the other man.

'Dick, don't be like that.' Jason received no response. Sighing again he stood, knowing when Dick wanted to be alone. 'Wally will be around in a few hours.'

Dick made no move as his adopted father left the room, but a silent tear ran down his cheek.


Annie sat on the toilet seat, rocking slightly as she waited. The small room that was attached hto her bedroom had never seemed so small and never before had she really noticed how loud the extractor fan whirled.

She looked at the watch that she had balanced precariously over the side of the sink.

20 more seconds.

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