Chapter Twenty Three

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It was four weeks before Annie was able to get out and about again, by this point she had noticed that more often than not she had a little shadow by her side, helping her and making sure she was safe when she left the house or did anything remotely strenuous. Dick had been subtle at first but once she had started going back outside and out into public, his subtlety faded, and his protectiveness became more evident.

She didn't really mind since he never got in her way or stopped her doing anything, he was just a comforting presence to keep her company and it settled the niggling anxiety she often felt upon hearing loud sounds or when she thought she saw something in the corner of her eye.

They were currently slowly making their way through the mall. She had been meaning to run a few errands for a while and now she could walk more comfortably for longer periods it felt good to finally get them done.

Dick walked by her side matching her pace. She had objected to him coming at first, it was Saturday and he should be out with his friends, but Dick wouldn't hear of it. After Tim dropped them off, Dick followed her around and chatted with her, carried her bags and stopped whenever she needed a breather. They were nearly finished, and Dick's arms were laden down with bags full of odd bits and pieces for the house, things for Ace and other general items. With his accelerated strength he was barely breaking a sweat.


They both looked around to see an older woman walking over to them.

'Debbie, hi!' said Annie, greeting the woman with a smile. The woman regarded her with a warm look.

'It's so lovely to see you back on your feet.' The woman exclaimed. 'We've all been so worried about you in the office.'

'Thank you, Deb. Yes, trying to get out as much as I can, slowly build my strength back up with my little helper.'

For the first time, the woman regarded Dick, her smiled brightened.

'What a helpful son you have.' She said, beaming at Dick with all the bags in his arms and Annie's handbag on his shoulder.

Dick glanced at Annie to see her reaction to the woman's words. It was one thing him considering this woman to be like his mother...not that he had told her that. It was another for someone to outright mistake it. But Annie just smiled.

'He's a good kid.'

'Will you be back to work any time soon?'

'I'm hoping to be back by the end of the month, I worked from home most of the week anyway, so thankfully it shouldn't be too hard to get back to it.'

'Well, you make sure you take care of yourself. And you take care of her.' She nodded to Dick who smiled awkwardly.

When the woman was out of earshot Annie looked to Dick.

'Do I really look old enough to have an 18-year-old son?' She genuinely looked distressed.

'I wouldn't worry too much. I look about 12.' Dick shrugged.

'You don't look that young...maybe 15 at the youngest.'

'Thanks.' Dick laughed. 'Anyway, you didn't correct her.'

'No, I didn't.' she said. 'Debs one of the oldest workers at Wayne and Powers, come Monday she would have forgotten she'd seen us at all. Besides,' Annie shrugged one of her shoulders. 'It's not like I don't see you that way anyway.'

She stopped and looked at him. 'Is that too weird? I'm sorry, should I have corrected her?' She bumbled over her words.

'No, it's not weird.' Said Dick with a grin. 'Well as long as you don't think about it too hard.'

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