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"So, what do you do? " I ask him as I take a sip from a cold coffee the waiter just left. Danish settles on his chair and then clears his throat, "I help my father with his construction business." he tells, his voice cold as ice.

"So you're the only child? " I ask him, trying to read his expression that is clearly giving me warning signals but still I make an attempt to fight my fear and ask.

"Yes. " he says, his voice is still cold but then he takes a sip from his black coffee and then suddenly he's smiling. How fast does his mood change? I ask myself. Maybe that's how he is...  A man with mood swings.

"And what do you do princess? Besides making a man go crazy I mean" he asks and blinks.

I shake my head in disbelief. He is such a flirt. " I am an artist." I tell him, "I paint. And there's no man on this universe that has gone crazy because of me so stop torturing me!" I roll my eyes at him when I notice him smirking.

"Maybe you didn't try your best. " he laughs, "but I would love to see your painting anyway." he adds and I shrug my shoulders.

"You're welcome anytime. " I say and glance at my watch that shows time 5:30p.m.

"Anyways, I have to meet my friend so I better get going. " I tell him and start to leave.

"Saba? " I hear him say and turn around to look at him. His golden brown eyes are calm and his face looks somewhat sexy as he hands me a piece of paper.

"What is it? " I ask before taking it.

"Well, in case you feel interested in making me go crazy,  you can call me on this number. " he shows me his sexy smile and I'm lost.


"Hey there! " I exclaim as I walk inside Haya's room.  She's applying nail paint, her room is messy and a loud sound of Indian wedding song is sending vibrations to the floor. She smiles as I sit next to her and looks at me, "Guess what?" she exclaims.

"What?" I ask eagerly.

"Hammad has planned a surprise honeymoon for us! I begged him to tell me where we are going but he said he'd keep it a secret. I hope it's Maldives..  Or who knows maybe Disney Land! " she tells me, her eyes shine so bright with excitement and love.

Again Danish's golden brown eyes pop up in my head! God why can I not stop thinking about him?

"You should have given him the list of the places you want to visit. " I try to make a joke and she bursts out laughing.

"Yeah so that he would just cancel the entire honeymoon plan!" she says sarcastically and I nod. True it is, if Hamad ever made a mistake of asking Haya where she'd want to go, she would have said, "The world!" and surely Hamad doesn't want to spend rest of his life travelling.

I make myself comfortable on her bed as we start talking about her wedding that's just the day after tomorrow. It's like we just met yesterday and became best of friends and now she will be getting married and moving to LA and having kids and God knows when will we meet again? A shiver rises in my spine and I just can't help it so I pull her in a hug.

I know it's kind of emotional of me but maybe that's because she is my only friend. I don't have any siblings and I never open up myself much to anybody, but when I'm with Haya, I feel like we are actually alike. I can trust her over anything and no matter how many times we fight, we still love each other. Having her gone away is gonna be painful but I hope I can make it.

I wipe out my tears that are streaming down my eyes and take a deep breath.  "Hey! I'm not dying! Just getting married! " Haya laughs.

"Probably the same thing. "

Broken Boundaries #romancereads2019 #earlyloverWhere stories live. Discover now