• chapter nineteen •

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It was already ten o'clock and mostly everyone was up dancing, singing, and enjoying each others company. Now, Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Vision, Remus, Pepper, Steve, and Natasha were sitting in the couch chatting and eating cake.

   "Hey, time to open up the presents!" yelled Tony, waving his can of soda above his head. As you can see, Pepper isn't allowing none of the grown-ups to drink alcohol.

   "Yeah! Harry, come sit here." Steve and Remus moved aside and let Harry sit in between them.

    "Open mine first!" Sirius handed him a gift bag.

Harry took out a wrapped box and began ripping the paper. After all the wrapping paper was on the ground, he grinned widely at Sirius. "Sirius, this is amazing!"

Sirius had given him a set of new video games for the Xbox and Wii. It went from gift to gift. Harry got chocolate frogs from Ron, a new kit for Quidditch from Hermione, from the twins he got No-Heat fireworks, and a wizard chess from the rest of the Weasleys, he got a pair of new black converse from Vision, more clothes and an iPod from Pepper, a pocket watch from Steve, a black leather jacket and a dress shirt from Wanda, a crossbow from Clint (said he was cool enough to own one identical to his), a new set of daggers from Natasha (he's not allowed to use them until he's seventeen), a PlayStation and a few games from Happy, a new sketch book and pair of Nike from Remus, hoodies and cologne from Pietro, Poptarts and a few candy from Asgard from Thor, a few flannel shirts and a pair of Beats from Bruce, and a Stark tablet and $235 from Tony. 

   "This were all amazing, thanks guys." They all got in a group hug, Harry in the middle.

   "F.R.I.D.A.Y, take a picture," said Sirius, confusing the Weasleys and Hermione.

   "It's been done. I can assure you that the Fam-Fun folder is full up with a hundred-and-forty-seven more pictures." answer the AI, startling the Weasleys and Hermione.

   "Did that voice-" Fred started.

   "-come from-" continued George.

   "- the ceiling?"

  Tony twitched one eye, "Eh, kind of. That's my AI. Stands for Artificial Intelligence."

  Mr. Weasleys beamed with delight, "Do you mind explaining to me what it exactly is and what does it do?"

  Before they got there, Harry had told them about Mr. Weasley's love towards muggle things, seeing as the two worlds were different in so many ways. They also know about his favorite question to ask.

   "Of course," answered Tony. "An AI is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. It is also the name of the academic field of study which studies how to create intelligent behavior. AI's aren't humans and have no body. Our AI, F.R.I.D.A.Y, is programmed to pretty much give us any information we need, inform us when someone shows up, and more. You can ask F.R.I.D.A.Y any question you want and she'll answer." Tony nodded at Mr. Weasley.

   "What is the function of a rubber duck?" They were all expecting that.

   "What is the function of a rubber duck?" said Thor, his eyes filled with confusion.

  F.R.I.D.A.Y answered, "The function of a rubber duck is to float in the water to entertain young children as they bath."

   "I did not know that." said Clint, as Pietro shook his head.

   "Neither did I."

   "That's interesting and marvelous!" Mr. Weasley said excitedly.

  Tony and the rest smiled softly.

   "Well, it's been a fantastic day-" started Pepper. "But we all need to head to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

   "What's tomorrow?" asked Harry confusedly.

   "You'll find out tomorrow." was all he got as an answer.

   "If you will all please follow me." Happy told the Weasleys and Hermione. "I'll show you to your rooms."

  The next morning, everyone woke up around eight o'clock. Currently, they were all in the kitchen eating breakfast Steve have made with the help of Mrs. Weasley.

   "Alright everyone, we leave around ten-thirty, and don't worry about our stuff, they're in the jet already."

Harry dropped his fork, "Where are we going?!"

"It's a surprise!" answered Pietro.

After breakfast everyone went up to the roof to get on the jet. Everyone was smiling at a grinning Mr. Weasley.

"Disneyland, here we come!"

"So we're going to Disneyland?!"

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