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Our lives slipped into a different routine now that Isabel was in the group home.  I visited her multiple times a week.  Her progress could be a bit hit or miss.  She'd been there almost a month now.  Her progress was all in her attitude.  If she wanted to do better she could, but if she wasn't in the mood then it was a lost cause.

The main success was that she hadn't run away again.  She participated in therapy most of the time.  Finally, after a month, the director said she was ready to 'graduate'.  She would still come back for individual therapy and group therapy once a week, but she'd be back with us.

The day she was set to come home, I rode the subway down and found her packing the last of her things.  I gave her a small smile and kissed her head.  "I'm so glad you're coming back," I told her.  "We've missed you so much."

I'd learned not to expect any similar declarations from her and she didn't offer any.  She zipped up her suitcase and I pulled it off the bed and began to wheel it out.  She gave a couple girls she'd grown close to a hug and a promise she'd be back next week.  I hailed us a cab and soon we were home.

"Isabeeeeeell!!" Ellie and Luna both shouted as soon as we walked in the door.  She was bombarded with hugs and Isabel smiled.  I stepped around them and wheeled her suitcase to her bedroom.  The next half hour consisted of Ellie showing her a couple new toys she'd gotten since she'd be gone. 

Pippa and I had agreed that we needed to sit down with Isabel that night to go over some expectations now that she was home.  We didn't want her going back to her old ways.  After Ellie was down and Luna was doing homework in her room, we called a little meeting at the kitchen table.

Pippa brewed us all some hot chocolate with marshmallows as we sat down.

"Isabel, first of all we're so glad you're back," I began, looking at her seriously.  "It wasn't the same without you.  We missed you."

She looked away uncomfortably and didn't say anything.

"We're proud of all the progress you've made," I went on.  "And we want you to keep improving.  So, as you know, you're going to individual therapy once a week and group therapy once a week."

"Have you found those helpful?" Pippa asked.

She shrugged.  "I guess."

I didn't think she'd ever really admit it, but they seemed to be doing her good.  "We also wanted to go over some expectations now that you're back," I continued.  "The group home was pretty strict and we're hoping to be a little more relaxed but you've gotta help us out."

She sipped her hot chocolate and waited for us to continue.

"First of all, you need to check in with Pip or me anytime you want to go out," I began.  "On weekdays, we want you home by nine.  Weekends by eleven."

She didn't protest, so we continued. 

"Second, no contact with anyone from the Latin Kings," I told her.  "Gangs are dangerous and we don't want you getting in over your head.  Have you had any contact with them recently?"

She didn't have her cell phone there so contact was limited.  Isabel shrugged her shoulders, which I figured meant yes.

"Before you get your phone back, we're going through your contacts together," I told her.  "Anyone in the Latin Kings needs to be blocked."

She rolled her eyes at that.  I realized I couldn't really tell for sure who was in a gang and who wasn't.  I figured if it wasn't someone from school or family she didn't need their number in her phone.

"Last, Pippa and I reserve the right to check your room, your phone, your social media any time," I finished, knowing she wouldn't like this at all.  "We want to trust you, but right now keeping you on the right track is the most important.  We can't have you slipping back like before."

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