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The nervousness I'd felt before my OB/GYN appointment had turn into pure joy. We were having twins. This was amazing news. Two little lives growing inside me. I instantly started wondering if they were boys or girls, whether they were identical or not. Even though we weren't telling most people until 12 weeks, we told our parents and I had to tell Renee and Jazzy.

Originally we were just planning on having Ellie share a room for now with her new brother or sister. With two on the way, it would get a bit crowded. Space was going to be an issue. Isabel would hopefully be going to college in two years, but that wasn't a guarantee. That might free up a room, but would still leave us in a bind when she was home.

"Madison and Mason," Luna read to me from her iPad, where she had Googled twin names for a boy and a girl.

"Ehhh..." I scrunched up my face as I rinsed the vegetables at the sink.

"Ella and Ethan," she went on.

"Those are kind of cute," I admitted. "But that's pretty close to Ellie's name."

She continued on as Lin walked in with Ellie in his arms. Ellie squirmed around so Lin set her on her feet to go run off.

"How about the first name It, with the middle name Isa?" Lin suggested playfully. "Then it would be named It Isa Miranda. And its twin could be Another Miranda."

Luna rolled her eyes, causing Lin to chuckle.

"What? You don't like it?" Lin teased, ruffling her hair a little.

"Those are terrible, Uncle Lin," she said. "Look at these!"

Lin stood by her as she scrolled through the list. Luna was great with Ellie and I knew she'd be like a mini mom with the twins as well.

"Well, we've got over seven months to decide," Lin told her. "And we're going to find out if they're boys or girls before then so we'll be ready."

"I hope it's girls," Luna said, hopping off the stool.

"I know," he grinned, kissing the top of her head. Luna wandered off to play with Ellie. Lin walked over and pressed a kiss to my temple. "This smells good."

"Thanks," I told him, smiling as he rubbed at my back.

"I got a call from Isabel while you were out earlier," he told me, leaning back against the counter next to me. "She sounded happy."

I looked at him in surprise. "Isabel? Happy?"

"Can you believe it?" he agreed. "I think she and Brissa hit it off."

"That's great," I said. "They're almost the same age, right?"

"Yeah, Brissa's a year behind her in school," he said. "Isabel went to school with her the other day. Some crazy strict Catholic school that costs a fortune."

"How do Miguel and Guadalupe afford it?" I asked.

"Scholarship," he said. "Brissa's really smart and they have financial need."

"Nice," I said, thinking about a smiling Isabel down in Puerto Rico. What if she decided she really liked it there? She'd had a terrible adjustment period initially after Lin adopted her and had wanted to go back desperately.

"Lin?" I asked, and he grunted a response as he scrolled through his phone. "What if...what if Isabel decides she's missed Puerto Rico? Do you think she'd move back?"

Lin took in a breath and tucked his phone away. "I've thought about that too. I mean, she's old enough to make her own decision. We'd miss her but she could certainly choose to go back."

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