Camping For 4 Days

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Chapter Twelve
Camping For 4 Days


Three hours. That's all the time I got to sleep and here I am getting complaints from the boys saying I sleep to much.

"Oh shut up you guys." I yawn. I rest my head on the table in front of me on the bus.

The school assigned our year a trip to anywhere we desired. We chose camping. So the school rented a tour bus. Well It's not really a tour bus but the way it's architected makes me feel famous. For about 4 days and 3 nights.

I guess since it's a 7 hour drive before you really leave the busy streets and buildings before you actually are in the wild.

I've slept for about 6 hours. Liam banned all electric devices saying it's ruining the nature of camping. Whatever that means.

I roll my eyes at their dumb remarks and turn my attention to Harry. He volunteered to drive. I guessed that he did that to get away from me.

I sigh as I stared out the window.

I miss talking to him.

I miss his touch.

I even miss his kiss.

I miss him so damn much it hurts.

A lot.


Harry's POV

I try to focus on driving by every time I could I would sneak a peek at Allie.

I miss her so much.

I miss her lips.

The feel of her hair.

Her soft cheeks.

I think back the moment when I tackled her to the ground where I wasn't the dick like I am now.

She's accepted all of the others besides me. Part of my believes that she isn't speaking to me because I told her I loved her and the other part was the fucked up plan I did two months ago.

It's been two whole months since,
I've spoken to her. Kissed her. Looked at her. Felt her warm skin.
And God am I dying inside.


Allie's POV

We arrive at the camp site at around 1pm. According to Liam. Who was the only - and actually remembered - to bring a watch.

"I think this place is good. Eh Hazza?" Louis said to Harry. He shrugged.

"I'm going to find some wood." He said quietly before walking off.

"Oh that's great! Allie can join you." I jumped at the mention of my name.

"Oh!" I bit my bottom lip and sent a silent glare at Niall. "Uh I think it would be better if I look for water." I said quickly. "We'll get more done."

"Allie." Zayn smirked. "There a lake right there. We have a water purifier. We have all the water in the world."

I sighed. "You know what? Niall. No I'm not going to go with Harry. There." I kicked a twig near me and stomped off.

I wandered around the trees. I looked at some examining the trees. After about an hour of finding the right tree.

I found a really nice one and started climbing. I tested each twig as I used it as support. A few metres off the ground I sat down and cooled off. I rested my back against the trunk and feet dangling on both sides of the branch.

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