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THAURENS [ Thomas x John ]

ALEXANDER: Oh hell naw! [ hugs John protectively ]

JOHN: [ Sighs ] Alex, it's not that big of a deal.

THOMAS: Yea. Besides I like someone else.

ALEXANDER: I don't care! I don't want that unholy demon touching my John!

ELIZA: [ Smirks ] Your John, huh?

ALEXANDER: [ Blushes ] as a protective friend!

ELIZA: Mhm, sure. [ Sighs ] Anyways I don't see John and Thomas getting together anytime soon, so sink.

ANGELICA: I must agree, John and Thomas has nothing in common.

PEGGY: [ Raise eyebrow ] I don't even see how this is even a ship.

ALEXANDER: I know right!

THOMAS: You act like it's the end of the world.

ALEXANDER: Cause it is.

WASHINGTON: [ Sighs ] Sink, I would have no reason to ship them.

KGIII: I hate to agree with you because your my enemy, so I'm not going to. Ship.

SAMUEL: [ Shakes head ] Sink.

MARIAH: It's wrong to say that I may actually ship this?


MADDIE: No, it isn't wrong to ship this, I will respect that despite how weird or unusual the ship is.

MARIAH: [ Smiles ] Thank you, ship.

PHILIP: I will not allow this ship for I ship Lams. [ Crosses arms ]

GEORGE: Neither will I! Sink!

LAFAYETTE: Guys? Where is Herc?

MULLIGAN: [ Suddenly comes out of a closet with a flamethrower and yells ] Sink this ship into flames!

LAFAYETTE: Oh look at zis! My boyfriend came out of ze closet. Also I agree with him, sink.

AARON: Honestly though, in with Mariah– it kind of seems cute.

JOHN: Only because I'm in the ship.

THOMAS: Now don't get cocky with us, John [ Smirks ]

JOHN: I'm just saying. I'm amazingly–


JOHN: That's it. I'm gonna shoot you again, Lee! [ Attacks ]

CHARLES: Fuck this shit I'm out!

              AUTHOR NOTE
I don't ship Thaurens but I to be honest, I thinks it a TAD cute. I respect this ship or anyone that ships this.

Also this is gonna be the only and last time I make Lafayette do a accent; for example– Zis or ze. That was plain cringe, I prefer to say words in French then to make fake words to make an accents. Sorry but I hate French stereotypes, but if I do happen to make Lafayette speak French, then I will make sure to make translation.

Next ship will be Margelica


– Maddie

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