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 The idea for a story was created in August or September, but due to too much work there was no time to write it, I did it at the end of October till the end of November. The new thing is that instead of being called "Chapter" each new part of the story has a special name. Here are combined sarcasm, pessimism, anger and fear, so this dictated my writing style. Now, the usual depressive phase in October wasn't a problem, on the contrary, it gave the weight of the story, but it would nevertheless be difficult to understand because of the extremely subjective point of view.

 As for the story itself, what comes first is the title, both of the story and its chapters. Each of them suggests how a person from the story will die, but the point of the story is what leads to it. Each of the twelve deaths is described as a suicide, which can be seen after several parts, the reasons are different, but in some places they intertwine.

 Therefore, the summary (reason) of each part is:
1. DROWNED - Depression
2. CRUSHED - Friendship problems
3. CUT - Low self-confidence
4. FROZEN - Emotional coldness
5. HIT- A laughter at school
6. CROSSED - Poor material situation
7. POISONED - Nostalgia
8. HUNG - Family problems
9. INJECTED - Anxiety
10. STARVED - Behavior of society / mankind
11.SHOT - Holiday depression
12.BURNT - Loss of hope in goals

 The thirteenth part, depending on the perspective, may have a reason, but this is not specifically stated.

 The names were accidentally made, at least the first few, they were supposed to end with -ED (it's -NA in Serbian version) but English past tenses have exceptions (that used to be my nightmare, so many verbs to learn, I still know to make mistakes in that), except the last one that responded in my the head.

 I wrote about some topics before, after all, I can't change the past, but life can't fit into one story. Of course, because of privacy, both my own and the people I mention, I didn't go into details, I respect the ethics code and I don't want to interfere on someone else's privacy.

 Drowned: In the first story, I took the dream that I had several weeks before the beginning of the writing, where I go to the river and stand by it with the intention of drowning in it. The topic is depression, the motives from the story "Crushed" are intertwined because it is talked about solitude, but mostly the whole had a depression as a motive. Judging by the fact how much this damn thing destroys my life, the three sides are few, but I have already written about it in other stories and I wouldn't add too much on this topic now. Part with suicide is the longest of all thirteen, with the most details, later I kept the details to a minimum and there was no scene of finding a corpse (except in the "Hung" and "Starved"). I planned that all stories be like that, in the meantime it really wasn't necessary to insert it into all the stories, because it is assumed that the reaction to corpse is shock, sorrow, crying ... It would be redundant to write about it. Except the story "Crashed" there is a motive of the mirror from the story "Cut", that part inspired me for that story.

 Crashed: The story is inspired by thinking, but at the time of writing I don't have a driver's license and I don't know how to drive, although I wouldn't slam the car in vain. The story is full of rage and sarcasm, which is completely opposite from "Drowned". Otherwise it wouldn't be one of the reasons, but during the year there was a problem about the last person in the story because things turned out a little different, so then I felt guilty and I can't forgive myself for it. I apologized, she said she's not angry, but I will still feel guilty of it because I hate to not help someone when I wish to. However, that is my mistake I admit and during the story are mentioned other people, especially one specific person with whom I was supposed to stop being friend with. I don't hide that I am hard tempered (I am not really social person as you may have noticed and that may annoy some people,but I'm trying to pay attention to person as much I can,even through I'm a loner), but I don't know why I stayed with the person that saw only funny person in me, I hope she has found some company that will fit her more and will forget me. I would also like to I forget her and to one day, when reading this again and the story that follows soon, tell myself that it doesn't matter to me anymore, but at least I learned a lesson what I don't need in my life and what kind of people don't suit me in the long run. There are motives from "Broken", potentially from "Drowned "and "Cut".

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