4 years

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Four years after All For One and All Might's fight.

"Mom!" Shouted a black-haired child with green highlights running into his mother's room. "Mom! Mom, get up!" The child continued shouting and jumping on his mother's bed. "What is it, my sweet little hero?" Inko responded to her son with a light smile on her face. She knew exactly what today was, but she's sure her little Izuku would want to say it more. "We find out what my quirk is today!" Shouted Izuku jumping up and down in his All Might onesie "I'll be a hero just like All Might!" Izuku shouted with enthusiasm. "Of course you will be, you'll be the greatest hero that there ever was or will be." Inko said smiling at her overjoyed son, "Now go get ready Izuku you wouldn't want to miss your appointment." Inko continued smiling till her son ran out of the room. As he left she lost her smile and looked at the picture on her nightstand. "Where are you Hisashi? It's been four years." She looked at the picture a moment longer then got up. "Wherever you are, I hope you're safe."
As Inko left her room she sees her son jumping for joy waiting for her right by the door. "Mmmommmm come onnnn we gotta goooo!" He shouted playfully smiling the whole time. "I'm coming Izuku dear" smile Inko purposely walking slower so Izuku would see her slow pace. "Mom! Come onn" Izuku runs behind his mother and starts carefully pushing her out the door and into the car.

Time skip brought to you by chibi All Might fighting chibi All For One

"You will never have a quirk" the doctor stated bluntly to Izuku and his mother "I would give up being a hero" the quirk doctor stated to Izuku as he burst into tears. On the car ride home, Izuku was dead silent; he didn't even make a sound. As they got home Izuku ran to his room and sat down in front of his computer "NEVER FEAR! WHY? BECAUSE I AM HERE" shouted the reçording of All Might during his debut. "Izuku?" Inko stepped into her son's room. "Mom, can I still be a hero like All Might?" Izuku said this as his eyes brimmed with tears and all his mother said was "I'm sorry" and cried alongside her son but that was not what he wanted her to say.


Hope you liked the chapter and I'llsee you in the next one.

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