The Past One

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Long ago

"Brother!" Yelled ??? We see a small boy running up to a much taller teenager. "What is it Seikatsu?" Replied the teenager "Can I go into the forest big brother? I promise I'll be safe." The child looked at the elder with hope in his eyes. "All right Seikatsu just be safe, and be back before dark." The child known as Seikatsu squealed in delight and ran into the forest. "What would I ever do without you?" The teenager muttered to himself, turning away from the forest and walking into a little cabin. 

A few hours later

"BIG BROTHER!" The elder teenager heard Seikatsu scream from outside of the cabin. As soon as he heard it he bolted out the door only to see his younger brother carrying a girl in his arms. Rushing over and scooping the girl from his arms the elder teenager began talking rapidly. "Seikatsu, where did you find her? What is her name?" Seikatsu looked at his brother for a second then said "I don't know her name but I found her down by the stream, will she be alright?" The elder brother looked down at the girl in his arms, then back up to his brother. "We will do all we can for her, rushing into the cabin the elder brother began to treat the wounded girl mixing spices and herbs together and applying them to her wounds. After that was all finished he finally looked to his brother "This is all we can do for her, I will go out hunting. You stay here with her." Nodding to his elder Seikatsu sat on the floor beside the girl as his brother walked out with his bow in hand. The young Seikatsu watched and waited for the young girl to wake up or for his brother to return and after a while the first happened. It started as shuffling of blankets then a small yawn came from the bed. The young girl looked around then started to cry. "Miss, you are okay. You are safe now." The young Seikatsu stated trying to comfort the young girl, but she just screamed at him "No it's not I'm a Freak!" The young Seikatsu looked at her in confusion. "You are not a freak." Seikatsu stated to the girl with a calm but determined expression. "Yes I am! I've been alive for so long but I never age" the girl screamed back. "I just want to die," she whispered to herself. She looked at Seikatsu then bolted out the door into the vast woods surrounding their home. Seikatsu being the justice seeking soul he was ran after her as fast as he could going deeper and deeper into the forest till he finally found a clearing. He stopped however and stood behind a tree as he saw his brother with the young girl at his feet. He watched his brother slowly place his hand on top of her head and a dark light resonate off the two. As the dark light faded away the young girl dropped to the ground and slowly turned to dust.  On instinct he ran out of behind the tree and ran to his brother screaming "Brother! Why, why did you kill that poor girl!" The elder looked at the young in horror "Seikatsu it's not what it looks like '' the elder boy tried to reason but Seikatsu wasn't listening. The younger winded his fist back and launched a punch at his brother blowing him deep into the forest, and shouted one final thing to his brother, "You are no longer my brother you villain!" Walking away with tears in his eyes, Seikatsu left the woods and his home forever.

Third person Provo 

All for One woke up in a cold sweat, eyes wide in shock over his past. "Seikatsu my sweet little brother I'm so sorry"


Heyyyyy I hope you guy's liked this chapter I know it's a little different but I wanted to get all for one's backstory going. There will be more chapters like this explaining all for one and one for all's beginnings and how all for one became the villain everyone sees him as. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one


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