Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
He slumped to the floor, throwing his bag across his bedroom crying. He knew you shouldn't but the consistent urge to grab the blade and slice it across his own wrist was too strong. Lifting up the  mattress, Taron felt around for the blade. The cold, sharp edge of the blade stung him first and his eyes widened. He gasped for a second pulling her hand back and gazed at it. Taron didn't think much of it because that was his purpose, right? Just the wrong spot. Taron grabbed the blade, thinking back to the events of the day. Holding the blade with more determination, he slid it across the inside of his wrist. Once. Twice. Three times. The blood spilled out, slowly at first but gaining speed. As soon as he saw the blood, he instantly regretted it. Sobbing, he let out a quick whimper. Taron's vision blurry with tears as he hurriedly searched his room for something, anything to stop the blood. A shirt? No he couldn't use that. His mom would wonder how it got there. He opened his door rushing out to the bathroom for toilet paper. The blood seeped through the toilet paper quickly, making him grab more over and over again. He pressed harder, hoping not to loose too much blood. Yes, Taron did sometimes think he shouldn't be alive. But he never had the courage to do anything about it. If he did and failed, have to go to so much therapy and that's just a pain. Also, he didn't want to be know as "that suicidal dumbass at school who tried to kill himself." He seemed to let down his mom all the time. His dad passed when he was six. His step dad was almost always gone on business. And when he was home, they never got along. A divorce was brewing and Taron knew it. He could hear the whispered fights at the end of the night. Sometimes the shattering of glass when his step dad got mad and slammed a vase on the ground a little too close to my mom. Taron hated his step dad. And he had a reason to. Paul has always been terrible to Taron. Cussing him out when his mom wasn't home. Slapping him across the face if he didn't obey right away. Not letting him speak at all whatsoever. It was torture. But Taron's mom never filed for a divorce because she knew that she would have to leave the house and she doesn't have a very well paying job. She enjoys her job and it's sort of a getaway from at home troubles so she can't leave it. And Taron could never tell his mom about Paul because he knew that Paul would make him even more miserable. Taron's step dad has evil ways of hurting a person mentally. Taron knows that somehow he would be letting his father down and he does that enough. And he knows how much his mom likes her job. He couldn't mess that up for her.

The blood from Taron's arm finally stopped bleeding and he put on some bandaids. Throwing some cold water on his face, he tried to stop crying and refresh himself. He walked back to his room and threw on a sweatshirt. Paul would be home soon. Picking up his bag from the floor, he pulled out his science homework, and started working on it.

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