Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
The next morning, Taron woke up and tried to forget about everything. He got up and grabbed a backpack and just walked out the front door. Fresh air seemed like a good choice to help forget everything. Once he reached the park, he strolled over to his favorite tree and sat down to draw. The shading of the corners of the page started to look really good when he was distracted my some sharp voices in the distance. "Hey! where'd you get that outfit sis, Forever 65?!" He looks up to see a shorter girl with light brown hair being pushed around by some seniors. Squinting his eyes to get a better view, he looks closer at the scene and starts drawing it out. After a while, the seniors leave and Taron is focusing so much on remembering the sneers on the girls faces, that he doesn't even realize when the same girl that was getting bullied, is now watching him draw her. "Hey." She says. Taron jumps. He snaps his sketchbook closed. "Hey what's up?" Taron replies, startled. "What're u drawing?" "Doesn't matter. But hey, don't take notice to those girls. They're just jealous bitches with an attitude anyway." She sits against the tree and slumps down right next to him. Grabbing his sketchbook so she wouldn't see it again.  "So how come I haven't seen you before?"
"Oh I just moved in. Down the street." She pointed to her house. Which happened to be across the street from Taron's. "Wow that's right across the street from mine. Idk why I didn't notice before."
"Yeah well. See you around." She said and got up and started to walk away.
"Wait!" she turns around. "I never got your name!" Called Taron.
"Y/n! And yours?!"
"Egerton. Taron Egerton."
"See yah Egerton. Taron Egerton."

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