Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
The next day Taron woke up with a terrible headache. So this is why Paul is always in such a bad mood. Taron thought. He rolled over in his bed to see a text from y/n.
you doing any better? -y/n
if by better you mean waking up with a pounding headache? then yes. -Taron
funny. not exactly what i meant. is your mom okay? -y/n
shit almost forgot about that one sec     -Taron
He sat up, blinked a couple times, and called his mom. "Hey. You alright?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm at work. Can I call you later?"
"Wait. What do I do if Paul asks where you were?"
"Oh just tell him I was out with a couple of friends. Hopefully he won't see through it."
"Ok. Please stay safe mom."
"Don't worry about me, Bug. I love you."
"Love you too." He then texted y/n to give an update.

It was a Saturday, and like normal, Taron had nothing to do. He spent a couple hours doing a bit of homework until he got bored and decided to go to the park. Grabbing his backpack and sketchbook, he stepped outside and embraced the crisp, fall air. Just before he turned onto the sidewalk at the end of his driveway, he heard River's voice call after him. "When you get back can you help me with math homework?" She pleaded.
"Yeah sure whatever." He continued his way to the park. The way the leaves crunched softly under his feet made him nostalgic. Thinking back to moments when it was just a family of three. Before River was born. Before his dad died. Before his mom was desperate for a home and money. A normal family. Taron's parents used to hold his hands and lift him up off he ground. They'd swing him back and forth and he'd scream "wee!" They'd laugh just like a normal family. Oh how Taron wishes he could go back to that. When things were so much simpler. Calmer. Quieter.

Taron approached the park and sat down at the tree where he first met y/n. He opened his sketchbook to the page he drew y/n on that day. Wow. How times have changed. Relaxing against the tree, he closed his eyes and tried to memorize this exact moment. Things don't last forever. Capture this moment. Right now. It's all that matters. Slowly, Taron opened his eyes and leafed through his sketchbook to find a blank page. Spinning the pencil in his hand, he focused on the details in the world around him to try and portray them in his drawing. Emotion is a hard thing to imitate onto a page, but Taron would try his best.

About half an hour later, Taron pulled out his phone to a text from y/n. Actually, multiple texts from y/n.
Hey uh I need you can you come over in 10 minutes? -y/n
You coming? -y/n
Hurry up I need you! -y/n
I'm so sorry y/n I didn't see my texts until now I'm on my way. Are you okay?  -taron
Taron swiftly packed up his things and started jogging to y/n's house. He pushed his head down and began picking up pace into a full sprint. Once he arrived, he didn't bother knocking. Taron ran through the open garage and downstairs to her room. Stopping at her bedroom door, he took a couple of deep breaths and knocked. "Stay out Georgie!" Taron was a bit confused but remembered that one of her sisters is named Georgie.
"Hey." Taron's voice was soft and soothing. "It's Taron."
"Oh." There was a bit of shuffling around the room until the door opened. She sniffled, and wiped some smeared mascara off her face. Taron grabbed her hands in his and sat her down on her own bed. Y/n's eyes were brimmed with tears. He sat down in front of her on the edge of her bed and put his hands on her thighs. He then looked back up into her eyes and she broke down. Crying. Taron pulled her into a hug and her body softened into his. They eventually pulled out of the hug and she started talking. "I can't do it! I can't do it Taron! I can't! It's too much! I don't want to!" She got up and started pacing around her room.
"You can y/n. You're like the strongest person I know." Taron insisted.
"But I don't want to!!" Another tear rolled down her face.
"You will. Because I want you to. Because I need you to. I need you y/n. I've been where you are. You CAN do it and you WILL do it. If not for yourself, then for me."
A small drop of blood dripped from underneath the sleeves of her sweatshirt. Then another. Then another.
"y/n!" Taron got up and rushed to cradle y/n as she collapsed into his arms.
"It hurts!" She sobbed. "It hurts so bad." She continued gasping as Taron gathered tissues and pulled up her sleeves. What he saw what worse than what he had expected. Deep, red gashes lined her arms. Reopened scars and new ones alike. Taron pressed the tissues into her skin but her blood quickly soaked through. He jumped up to grab more tissues. When he turned around she was almost hyperventilating and choking on her own breath. Her hands were trembling. Luckily, Taron knew how to handle this as it had happened to to him before as well. She was having an anxiety attack. Taron slid to his knees and picked her up to lean her against her bed.
"Hey y/n. Look at me" His warm hand brushed her chin and tilted her head upwards to look him in the eye. "Breathe. Deep breaths. It's gonna be okay. It will be. Trust me. I'll be here with you the whole way. Right here. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Do it with me." He put his hands on her thighs as they breathed in sync.

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