Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Taron groaned as he threw his hand over to shut off his alarm. 6:30am. Sitting up slowly, he rubbed his eyes and climbed out of bed. Going to school was one of the things he wanted to do least. His feet hit the cold floor and made him shiver. Quickly, he took a shower and threw on black jeans and a Levi t-shirt and adidas sweatshirt. Taron clomped down the stairs with his backpack and saw his little sister sitting at the table eating an apple. "Hey River. Toss me an apple!" Said Taron. Catching it with his left hand, he walked out the front door. Taron got in his car and turned on some music, trying to tune out the thoughts in his head. At school, he didn't see y/n. For some reason, her face happen to stay in his mind all day.

Taron wasn't the most popular guy at school. But he wasn't one of the kids that everyone counted out. He was placed in the social gray area in between. People new he existed, but he wasn't the  big jocks that everyone knew. He kind of flew under the radar. The last bell of the day finally rang and the sound of pages flipping and textbooks closing started as everyone gathered their things to leave for home. He walked to his and slumped into the car. Overwhelmed by homework, he leaned forward and hit his head on the steering wheel. Although he knew had to get home and babysit River. Also, getting out of the parking lot before people saw him like this was probably a good idea. Taron forced the the car into drive and pulled onto the road. A bright light flashed in the corner of his eye. He turned his head and caught a glimpse of y/n walking down the sidewalk. She was wearing a bright headband and neon T-shirt. Switching on his blinker, he pulled over and rolled down the window. "Hey! Y/n! Want a lift?"
"Uh yeah sure." Taron unlocked the car door and she slid in the passenger seat. He switched the blinker back on and pulled back onto the road. The clicking of the blinker filled the silence for a bit before the became a bit awkward. "Do you listen to music?" asked y/n.
"Oh yeah yeah yeah sorry." He turned on the radio. "You can change it to whatever you want." She continued to switch the channels until she landed on an oldies station. He watched her start tapping her foot to the beat.
"So. Where were you at school today?" Taron asked trying to fill the tense awkwardness.
"Oh I only went to half of them today just to get a feel of the school."
"Oh. By the way, I like your shirt. It's very... bright." Commented Taron, trying to fill the silence.
"Haha thanks it's a hand me down. I like your sweatshirt."
"Thanks." The conversation ended there, but for some odd reason, it didn't become awkward again. It was a comfortable silence with the music softly bumping in the background. Taron turned and pulled up to y/n's house.
"Guess this is me then," She says unbuckling herself. Y/n stood up a bit too fast and hit her head on the top of the door. "Oh!" They both flinched.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm good." She replies and looks back to Taron. She starts laughing. Taron laughs too. Once they both calm down, she says "alright then. See you around!"

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