Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Y/n and Taron leaned against her bed holding hands. Breathing together in silence. And the silence wasn't awkward this time. Just calm. And peaceful. After Taron had scavenged around the bottom floor of y/n's house - careful not to disturb anyone upstairs - and found some cloth bandages in a first aid box in the bathroom. She took off her neon sweatshirt, now coated with light blood stains, and carefully wrapped her arms in the bandages once the major bleeding had stopped. He got her an ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom as well. She had acquired a painful headache, an additional repercussion of the anxiety attack. They rested there together with their hands interlocked and eyes closed. At around 5:00 pm Taron remembered he had  promised to help River with homework. He slowly got up and y/n gazed at Taron. "I'm sorry I gotta go home and help my sister with her math homework," he said.
"Oh yeah of course sorry. I didn't mean to keep you here so long."
"Don't worry about it. Remember I'm always here if you need it. Always." Taron got up and started towards her door.
"But what if I can't do it? What if that happens again and I can't handle it? I couldn't have handled today if you weren't here."
"Just text me. I'm here. And if I happen to be gone or sick or something, listen to your favorite songs. It always helps. Remember 'Waiting on a Sunny Day by Bruce Springsteen?' Play that."
"Okay." She sighed.
"You can do it." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and picked up her blood stained sweatshirt. (He had promised to try and wash it so her mom wouldn't find out) Then he slid out of the room and lightly shut the door. Taron tucked    y/n's sweatshirt under his arm and stepped into his house. He hid her sweatshirt deep in his closet and sauntered down the stairs to meet River in the kitchen. Sliding into a chair next to River, he began to help her with fraction equations. Taron has always been pretty good at math. Just like his mom. Guess it ran in the family. But if that was true, that gene must've skipped over River. Taron had always been in the higher math class. Which happened to be very useful for Tom, who frequently used Taron's knowledge on mini tutoring lessons. Although their mini tutoring lessons were never very productive, as they were easily distracted by the smallest things. And because they are best friends of course.
"Here. So try and find a common denominator so you can add them together." Taron advised to River. River wrote the next steps out on her paper and figured out the answer. "Yeah just like that! Great job!" He held his hand up for a high five. She high-fived him back.

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