Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 continued cuz who doesn't love a good cliffhanger??
Y/n was shaking. She was so scared. This terrified Taron. He was so scared something bad happened to her.
"Do you want to sit down y/n? You look like you might actually fall." Observed Taron. She nodded. He took her soft hand in his and sat her down facing him. Y/n took a deep breath and tears filled her eyes. Taron's eyes scanned her for any sort of body language that would help him piece together the situation. Finding nothing helpful, he looked back up into her tear-rimmed eyes. She looked down and pulled her right sleeve up and showed him briefly.
"See these scars on my arms? They're from me. I did them." Y/n whispered. With no other idea on how to react, Taron pulled her into a much needed hug. Much needed for both of them. Their eyes burned with tears. They held each other for a while. Her tears soaked the back of his shirt while he tried to stay composed. Finally, they pulled away. Y/n's face was streaked with mascara. Taron pulled his own sweatshirt sleeve down farther and tried to wipe off the mascara. Although he kind of just smudged or some more.
"Sorry, i tried fixing it." Taron apologized.
"It's okay." She replied with a small smile. Taron's eyebrows furrowed, unsure of how to respond. He didn't know if he should tell her that he does too, or if that would just make her worry for him. He didn't want pity. But knowing that you're not alone is always the best answer. Isn't it? Taron thought.
He then took a deep breath himself, and said, "Me too." As he slowly pulled up his sleeve as well. Both deep and light scars lined their arms. Y/n eyes widened as she saw his scars as well.
"Really?" She replied, breath-taken. Taron nodded. He let her explain her story. And wow, was it interesting.

Her parents had gotten divorced and back together multiple times. It was like an on and off relationship, but with kids included. Y/n stayed with her mom and her younger twin sisters, even though she did really like her dad better. Her mom had gone a bit crazy after all of the breakups with y/n's father. She would smoke out on the porch and come back into the house moping. Then she would continue to her computer, where she would chat with random people. New people each day. Gullible, naïve, depressed, and hoping for some sort of answer, she believed everything they told her. She tried to tell her that she was worried about her. But she wouldn't listen. Y/n was left to make most of the adult decisions in the house including having a job and buying groceries and caring for her sisters until her mom got back to normal. After getting help from her father, she got her mom into therapy, and was able to move into a new town where people couldn't make fun of her family. If they didn't know her, they couldn't make fun of her. A few months later, y/n's father was diagnosed with cancer. He fought hard, but sadly, died within a year.

Taron was taken aback by her story. What a journey she had been on. Then Taron explained his. By the end, they were both crying.

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