Chapter 13 (last chapter)

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Chapter 13
When Taron got up the next morning, he decided it would be a good idea to do something nice for y/n. He texted her and told her to get ready because he had a surprise for her. Taron stepped into the shower and twisted the knob to warm. Sliding under the shower head, Taron reached up and rubbed his fingers through his hair. It flattened over his forehead and he slowly pushed it back. While he lathered up in shampoo, he thought of things to do with y/n. But anxiety kicked in and he started worrying that what he would choose to do for her wasn't enough. Taron had always been the person wanting to help others, but he never felt that he was the best at it. The only techniques he knew was breathing. He didn't know how to make people happy. He couldn't even do that for himself, how in the world was he supposed to do it for someone else? What if he was trying to help but it really just made her more upset? What if it wasn't enough? What if he wasn't enough? Overwhelmed, Taron sat down and leaned against the cold wall of the tub. He tried desperately to clear his head but it wasn't that successful. Leaning over, as he suddenly felt nauseous, he started hyperventilating. Taron choked on the water from the shower head while trying to catch his breath. Oddly enough, he always felt a little more clear headed after an attack like that. He eventually got up shakily and cautiously finished his shower.

Taron threw on a soft blue t-shirt and joggers. Before he left the bathroom, he grabbed some hydrogen peroxide, a cup of water, and a bar of soap to help clean the stains out of y/n's sweatshirt. He poured some water and hydrogen peroxide on the sweatshirt and rubbed the best he could to get it off. Then he soaked the sleeve in a bucket of water and laundry detergent and left it in his room. Taron texted y/n and told her that he was coming to pick her up and got in his car.

Taron drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on her thigh. The windows were cracked a bit even though it was fall. But Taron enjoyed seeing her hair flow in the breeze. She sat with her hand atop of his on her own thigh. With her arm on the armrest she leaned back catching the wind on her face. Her eyes shown bright in the light from the sun that was just peaking above the clouds. Taron had encouraged her to play her favorite songs with the USB to his car. They listened in silence. A peaceful silence. A non-judging, happy, and calming silence.

Taron pulled up to a Panera and led her through the door. They each got a sandwich and a scone for dessert. Taron had brought waters for the both of them. He led her back to his car while she followed in confusion. Once back in his car Taron turned to her to explain that he was taking her out on a picnic by a nearby pumpkin patch. Afterwards, they could pick out pumpkins and carve them together. A tradition that never seems to get old, no matter the age.

They arrived at the pumpkin patch and Taron flattened a blanket onto the ground. They set their food down and sat down together. The weather was really nice for fall. Sun rays peeked out around the clouds and shined down on them. Y/n's eyes seemed to glow in the light. He completely adored them. Ahead of them were outstretched fields of pumpkins. It seemed to never end. A few kids were scurried around picking up as many pumpkins their little bodies could handle. Their parents trailing close behind, warning them to be careful. The scenery was quite peaceful. "It's so peaceful." Announced y/n. "I really needed this. Thank you so much."
"Of course. I mean, I needed it too so I'm happy this worked out." Taron replied.
"Yeah its really nice."
"Well. The fun isn't over yet! I still have a pumpkin carving contest to beat you at!"
"Oh I see.." she joked. "And what makes you think you have the better carving skills here?"
"I have had quite a bit of practice y/n. I was the Northview Elementary School Pumpkin Carving Champion."
"Oh now were you." Y/n giggled. 
"I was indeed." He smiled at her and she laughed. Her laugh made his heart swoon. Taron couldn't smile any bigger.

After they finished eating they put the stuff back in the car and chased each other down the rows of pumpkins comparing the best ones to carve. Once they had convinced themselves that they each had the best pumpkins, they bought some carving tools from the front office and sat down on a bench to start. "Ooooo I'm totally gonna win Taron." Y/n insisted.
"Oh really?" Taron retaliated sarcastically sitting up higher in his chai.
"Really." Y/n laughed. "Hey! No peeking!" She exclaimed.
"I'm not I swear! I was just stretching."
"Oh yeah. Stretching I see."
*20 minutes later*
"Alright are you ready for the big reveal?" Taron asked.
"I'm ready." She replied confidently.
"Ladies first!" Taron encouraged.
"Alrighty then. Drumroll please!" Together they pounded on the table, ready to reveal her masterpiece. She slowly turned it around. "Ta-Da!!!!!"
"Wow y/n! That's so cool!" Taron shouted. She carved her pumpkin into a little house that looked to fit a smurf. It had a cute little door and windows. She had picked grass off the ground to put it on the edge of the windowsills. There were also rocks stepping up to the door as an extra detail.
"You still think you're gonna win?" Y/n smirked.
"I guess we'll have to see." He stated.
"Okay your turn!" She declared. Slowly, Taron turned his pumpkin around to face her. She gasped and smiled. On his pumpkin, the words: will you be my girlfriend? were etched into the pumpkin in soft cursive. She smiled and nodded looking him in his hopeful eyes. They wrapped their arms tightly around each other and stayed there for a bit. Then they released from the hug and Taron's heart beat faster and faster and he pulled her into a kiss. Their lips locked slowly and intertwined. Y/n's lips were soft and smooth like honey. Taron's heartbeat was beating so fast he thought she would be able to feel it. He could smell the sweet scent of her perfume as her hands reached for the back of his neck. Taron wrapped his fingers around her flowing hair. Their lips and tongues coexisted in perfect balance. He could taste her cocoa butter chapstick. All the rest of the world seemed to disappear and nothing else mattered more.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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