Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
The next morning on the way to school he saw y/n walking. Again, he pulled over and picked her up. As soon as she climbed into the car, Taron turned the station to what it was on yesterday. She gasped. Taron swerved. "What?! What happened?!"
"This is my favorite song!!"
"Oh my god." He exhaled.
Taron turned it up and rolled down the windows. Hey I'm waiting, waiting on a sunny dayyy! Y/n sang proudly along with the words. Her shiny light brown hair blew through the air. Not that Taron was paying attention... at all. The lyrics of the song really spoke to him. They soother him and made him feel calmer. Once they got to school he asked what the name of the song was. "Waiting on a Sunny Hair by Bruce Springsteen." She smiled. He'd have to remember that song for later.

Taron walked up to his locker and twisted the lock until it unlocked. He turned around and saw his best friend Tom walk up behind him. Tom was a nice lad, kind and helpful. But he could also be quite mischievous once you got to know him. He has brown, wavy hair that falls over the top of his hair like waves. "Hey what's up dude?" Tom asked.
"Ah not much. But have you met that new girl that literally lives right across the street from me?"
"Oh y/n? Yeah she's in like half of my classes. Why? Do u think she's hot or something?"
"Yeah sorta." He tried to play it off as cool. "She's cool."
"Oh and how would you know exactly?" They started walking to class.
"Uh. I had to drive her to school today"
"And home from school yesterday."
"Come on man you gotta tell me this stuff!"
"It just happened relax idk how."
"Well. Shoot your shot!"
"No i gotta keep it slow. I don't want to scare her. I don't even know if she likes me back. I've literally only known her for like 3 days." Tom is in an on and off relationship with Mj Watson and it's a bit confusing. I don't think anyone really knows what's going on. Tom has pre-calculus first period and Taron has world lit first so they split and continued to their classes. Taron tried to focus on the teacher but his mind drifted away, thinking of how his step dad was coming home from a business trip tonight. He dreaded the thought of having to deal with Paul again. Another thing that made him really sad is how he also has to seem strong for his sister. When the late night fights started, River would sometimes come to his room and he would read her stories until she fell asleep. That's why he always had to be careful.
"Hey Egerton? You still with us?" Snapped Mrs. Davidson.
"Uh yeah. Yeah." Kids in the back of the classroom snickered. Taron took a deep breath and tried harder to focus. He knew he could talk to Tom. Tom knew about all the divorce stuff and the fights but he didn't know how much of an impact it took on Taron. Tom knew he had cut before but don't know he still did it.

Taron saw y/n walking home again. It became a pattern from then on. The music on the same station. The "see you around" every time he dropped her off. They both enjoyed it. Their smiles grew wider and sparkle returned to Taron's eye. Of course everything didn't get better right away. Taron and his stepdad Paul were still arguing and Taron still had to protect his sister. It was still hard. But Taron enjoyed the times when he could leave the house and spend time with y/n.

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