-biology trouble-

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Remember that I hadnt written for a long time, so I'll be publishing chapters of things that happened a while ago and that I think you should read!!

So it was Wednesday and I had just arrived at school. I had first period with Mr Williams. Biology. I love Biology but I HATE Mr Williams. Also, I dont get very good grades because for me it is a difficult subject to study although I like the content. Plus I'm too lazy to hand in homework on time andddd ... You already know me

The lesson went fast, it wasnt that bad since it was about genetic stuff and I find it interesting. But problems came at the end of the hour.

"Ms Stan, could we talk for a minute?" He said. Everyone stared at me, and I was just confused because I hadnt done anything (and that was exactly the problem lol)

"Wait for me outside please Tess" I said to my friend
"Okay, you got this girl" she said, patting my back for support

I went to Mr Williams' desk and waited for the rest of the students to leave class. He remained with his gaze fixed on me until we were alone. He gave me chills

"So, Ms Stan, care to explain why havent you done a single exercise that I said you should do during the quarter? And I would also like to know the reason why you do not study. You fail all my exams and this can not continue like this. I have no choice but to ask your brother for an appointment so we can talk about you, because I would not like to have to suspend you"

Look guys, I know that it seems like a nice man, but he hates me and I know it. Everyone in class knows it. He is NOT nice to me, so I know that he just wanted to talk to Noah to bother me cause, if he had wanted to help me, he could have talked to my tutor. That's what every other teacher would have done. So I lost it (as always)

"Why do you wanna talk to my brother? Cant you just talk to my tutor?"
"No I cant. Now Im sorry, but I will call him this afternoon"
"You could say that you just want to bother me and we would end up faster"
"I have no interest in bothering you"
"Oh yeah? Well, you could have called him without saying anything to me. But you prefered to have me overwhelmed and worried all day. Thanks a lot Mr Williams!" I said, and started to get out of the class.
"I will also talk to your brother about your disrespect!" He said
"Oh, it seems like its gonna be a pretty long phone call!! Make sure to plug in your phone, otherwise you will run out of battery!!" I shouted, and slammed the door. Tessa was waiting for me outside

"Omg Alli, I've heard screams! Is Mr Dickhead gonna call your brother?" She said
"You doubt it? because I dont. Im in so much trouble with Noah" I answered

The rest of the day went more or less well, until it was time for lunch. I went into the cafeteria and saw Tyler sitting with his friends. He motioned me to go sit with them, because he saw me with a worried face

"Whats up with you? You look like youre stressed" he said, once I sat besides him.
"Thats because I am" I said. Then I saw Mason staring at me with a cute smile. "Hey Mason" I added
"Hey beautiful" he said
"So?" Tyler asked
"Mr Dickhead is gonna call Noah because I'm suspending biology. He says I dont work. And maybe I screamed at him. And maybe he said he was going to tell Noah that I have no respect" I said, very fast.
"Oh man. Youre fucked up" Tyler sighed
"You should tell your brother he's going to call him. I'm telling you because I have experience, I've also had problems with Williams" Mason said, biting a carrot stick
"But when is he calling Noah? Maybe he is doing it right now" I answered, grabbing a carrot stick from Masons bag and biting it, resting my head on Tyler's shoulder.
"He's not. He has lessons all day. He will call Noah at six more or less. Good luck" He said.

I spend lunch with them and then went home walking with Liv.

"Everyone in our group is jealous of you" she said
"What? Why?" I said
"Because you get to eat at the hot senior's lunch table whenever you want and Mason looks at you as if you were his goddess"
"Well, I wouldnt wanna be me right now. I'm in a big mess when I get home because of Mr Dickhead, so ..."

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