-chemistry and not talking with Tyler-

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Guys I know it's been a while since I don't update but I just didn't have time, school got me busy and yeahhh so let's update! I think you're gonna like this one 
Ali :)

Tyler drove me to school and Mason was waiting for us in the parking lot. We got out of the car and they made fist bumps or I don't know how to call it but ya knoww when the guys say hi to each other, the movement they make with their fists? I don't know how to say it hahahahahaha Help me in the comments with this!


"Hey beautiful" Mason said, looking at me 
"Hey Mason" I said, blushing (I just CAN'T prevent blushing everytime he talks to me)
"Ya look great today" he said, checking me out
"Thanks" I answered, smiling
"Stop it Mason" Tyler said, rolling his eyes
"Man chill, she's just your cousing, if I wanna flirt with her then I will" 
"No fucking way bro. Nobody's touching her"
"Jeez! I hate it when you guys talk like if I wasnt here or if I couldnt talk. I will do whatever the fuck I want to okay" I said, tired of them.
"You're so hot when we piss you off" Mason answered
"Then you mean that I'm hot all the time?" I asked
"Cut it guys, now" Tyler pleaded.

We laughed and went to class. I sat with Mason in chemistry, which I share with him, but not with Tyler. The teacher said that he was doing a fucking pop quiz and I never study chemistry nor understand anything about it so in the moment he said that I already knew I was fucked up.

"Whats wrong Alli? Did you study?" Mason asked me
"How could I study for a pop quiz? You never know when those are coming so..." I answered
"Yeah, but we have a test next week. Everyone has studied already"
"Yeah everyone except for me. I'm definitely fucked up. Ethan's gonna kill me"
"Dont worry, I dont know anything as well"
"Seems like we are going to kill it in this quiz!!" I laughed. He laughed to. He is SO cute!!

We did the exam and I couldnt answer a single question. The teacher said that he would upload the exam marks to the school's website that afternoon, and I wanted to die. Hopefully none of my brothers would check  my web notes that day ...

The rest of the day went by just as normal. We left school at lunch time, which we usually do in june. In the bus, when I was on my way home, I met Tyler.

"Hey Ali" he said
"Hey" I answered, sharply
"I know that face, whats wrong now?" he asked, almost as if he complained that I was in another mess
"None of your business Ty" I replied, irritated by the tone he used
"Oh no, no, no. Dont do that, dont make me push you until you get mad at me and we fight and you obviously end up telling me your problem, and when Jordan Ethan and Noah find out they get mad at you and I dont stick up for you in front of them because of the fight we had while I was pushing you! Because I'll have your back with the guys but just tell me!"

"Sorry?" I asked, confused. That was def a long sentence. I even had to work hard with my memory to write it down here!
"Just tell me, for fuck's sake..." he said
"Okay, why are you acting so weird Tyler? You're never so impatient"
"Tough day, I gess..."
"In that case dont worry bout me, my problem is kinda silly ... I'll summarize it in two words: pop quiz" I say, a bit ashamed
"How many questions did you answer?"
"Are you fucking kidding me? Ali!! Was it chemistry?"
"I told you I would help ya with that whenever you wanted"
"I know"
"So what?" I said, while I got off the bus with him following me, since that was our stop
"So why didnt you ask for help?"
"Because I didnt even start studying. And I wasnt planning to"
"Okay so you just gave up?"
"Its not like you haven't failed, or as if you always study!"
"Yeah exactly, that's why you should! I never said I was a good example!"
"Cant we just talk about anything else? I think I'll have enough when they find out"

Tyler finally realized that he was bothering me and we changed the subject. We arrived home and the others were still working. I decided to use my classic strategy of getting to study so that it was the first thing they saw when they arrived. Eventually everyone was at home but Noah. He wasnt eating at home that day. We had mashed potatoes with roast, but I wasn't hungry, so I kept stiring the potatoes with my fork

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