-PARTY trouble-

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2) I could just do an author note's chapter, but I refuse to because personally, it disappoints me a lot, so instead of that I'll write another chapter about summer, because since my cousins ​​were there the chapters were more entertaining, or so I think. Also, lately I'm being quite obedient and they would be shitty chapters if I wrote about September and October. 

And nothing more to say, hope you like it and lets go!!

I woke up early that day, I dont know why. I got up carefully cause I didnt wanna wake Jess up and went downstairs. Tyler was there, watching something on his phone.

"Morning" I said
"Morning Ali" he answered, and got up to hug me. I hugged him tight and he threw himself on the couch with me in his arms. I laughed really hard. Then, I made myself comfortable with him in the sofa and watched as he scrolled through his instagram stories. We saw one of Mason's friend, Adam, close friends story reminding that he was gonna throw a party that night.
"Oh fuck, I have to tell Ethan" he said
"Are the twins going with you?" I asked
"And Mason?"
"I think so, yeah"

I wanted to go to that party. Really bad. But I didnt think Noah would be okay with the idea. The thing is, I had never gone to a party with Mason. Or to a senior's party at all.

"No, Ali no. That look on your face. Don't you even think about it" Ty said. I faked a confused face
"I know you damn well. Senior party. Everyone three years older than you. Or more. Do you know how obsessed with you are all of the drunk jerks that are gonna be there?"
"My boyfriend will be there as well!! And and three muscular cousins ​​of mine!!" I tried
"Be where?" Justin , who had just arrived, asked
"Tonight" I answered.
"Alisson, no way in hell" Tyler
"Wait, why not? " Justin asked. I couldn believe ANYONE in this house was supporting my opinion for once
"I dont think it is a good idea"
"But Ty...!" I started
"Hold on baby. JACE COME HERE!!" Justin shouted. A few seconds later, Jace was standing in front of us with a confused look on his face
"What do you want?" he asked. He was literally still half asleep
"Wouldnt it be fun if we took Ali and Jess to Adam's party?" Justin asked
"I mean yeah, why not?" his twin answered
"Firstly because they are fourteen guys!" Tyler tried
"Man, you did a hell of a lot worse things at their age. And if you dont want them to come it's because you dont wanna see Mason and Ali making out or something like that"
"Exactly. Even though we dont kiss in front of people" I said, trying to convince Ty.
"Fine. But hey, if this goes wrong, I didnt have anything to do with it" he gave up
"Guys, sounds good but what do I tell my brothers. You know how overprotective they are. There is no way they're  letting me go. And the same with Will and Jess" I said
"Say you're sleeping over at Olivia's or something" Jace said

I kept thinking about it the whole day. We made up an excuse for our brothers and said that the twins and Ty were dropping us off to a sleepover on their way to the party. An important thing to have in mind is that Caleb wasnt home. We got dressed. I was wearing a cute black skirt with a white top and some converse. I covered myself up with one of Mason's sweatshirts because my brothers would get all judgeamental with my clothing, plus it was kinda suspicious considering I was going to a "sleepover".

We had dinner and around 10 pm we were headed to the party. Justin was driving.

"Girls listen" Tyler said, from Justin's side.
"What" Jess answered.
"If any of us see you girls drinking even a small drop of alcohol we will bring you home. I dont care how mad Will, Noah and Ethan get. I really dont care" he told us
"Okay dad" I laughed
"Yo Ali we're being serious here. At least you will be with Mason but Jess, you watch out from all the drunk idiots. That clear?" Jace spatted, hitting my shoulder (not hard) so that I stopped laughing.
"Okay Jace" I said, hitting him back

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