-cousin trouble in summer-

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It's just that I've been pretty busy with all the back to school stuff and of course, having fun this summer. 
Well, believe it or not, but I haven't got in trouble since school started, which is pretty weird, I know. Still I didnt wanna leave you guys without a chapter so I decided I'm gonna write about something that happened on summer holidays, enjoy!!! lysm

So guys normally in summer, my cousins come over to my house to spend a week or two, so the older ones help my brothers take care of me and can I have fun with the ones closer to my age. That way, we all relax. They are four. Justin and Jace are twins. They are seventeen and I love them so much, even though they can be REALLY annoying. Then there's Will and Jessica. They're siblings. Will is Noah's age and Jess is mine's. She sleeps in my room, since i have a king sized bed, while the twins sleep in Tyler's and Will in the gest room.

So one morning Jace and I were watching Tv and we heard Jess screaming at Justin upstairs

"Shit Jessica calm down!" he answered.

A few moments later she came storming down the stairs.

"Ali please I need to talk to you" she said. I went to the kitchen with her and she closed the door
"I got my first period today!" she sobbed. I could tell that my cousing was beyond stressed
"Hey hey Jess dont worry! I got mine two years ago and it's okay. I will go upstairs with you and show you my supplies and everything you need to know okay?" I said. Then I hugged her.
"Thanks sis" she said, finally breathing. But then Justin came in
"Morning Ali, morning psycho" he said, refering to Jessica
"You fucking idiot" she mumbled
"I dare you to repeat that" he said, getting angry
"FUCKING-IDIOT!" she yelled
"What the fuck Jessica" he answered, getting close to her. I stepped in
"Justin chill, she is stressed. Just leave her alone. Please" I begged
"Okay, okay. Sorry Jess" he said, throwing his hands in the air.
"It's okay. It's okay" she said. Then we left the kitchen and went to the bathroom to take care of her issue. Later we went back downstairs.

"Girls we are going to walmart. Wanna come?" Noah said
"Mmm yeah" we said. Literally at the same time, then we kept laughing about that all the way to the car, which was Will's. It is a family type, so we all fit except for one. It didnt matter though, cause Jordan was staying home cleaning. 

I sat right next to Caleb, which was a bad idea since recently I've been fighting a lot with him.

"Buckle up Ali" he told me
"Okay give me a sec" I said, cause I was texting Mason. I forgot buckling up.
"Ali!" he shouted
"What Caleb?!" I shouted back
"Buckle up! Now!"
"No! Do it NOW"
"Stop acting like if you were my fucking father!! FIVE years, you're only Five years older!" I screamed, buckling up
"Yeah whatever Alisson, whatever"
"Shut up"
"Ali. Knock it off" Noah said
"But he was annoying me!!"
"He just told you to buckle up" Will said
"Yeah well that annoys me Will"
"Okay A but it isnt his fault he just wants you to be safe" he answered
"Don't even try Will. She wont say you are right. She never does" Caleb said
"That's not true!!!" I said
"It sure as hell is" he answered
"Enough guys!!! Our house is FIVE FUCKING MINUTES away from Walmart and did you seriously have to fight?" Noah shouted. We didnt respond. I personally hate when he shouts at us so I usually stay silent. 

We got to Walmart and took some stuff for lunch and some pads, cause whe didnt have enough at home. Then we went to pay and the twins saw the pads.

"Awwww, looks like we aint got little girls no more" Jace said. Justin laughed his ass off and it wasnt even that funny.
"Shut up Jace" Jess said
"Yeah Jace careful, she is on her period" Justin said, and laughed, again
"You're seventeen. Quit acting like babies" Will said, eyeing them both.
"Exactly! Assholes" Jess added. Then she realiced the way her brother was looking at her, and said: "Sorry Will. I meant idiots"
"I dont care.There's no need to call people names and you've been cussing literally all day"
"What? No!" she answered
"I heard you screaming at Justin in the bathroom. Knock it off Jess"
She didnt answer, just rolled her eyes
"I mean it. If you're gonna be like that I swear that you will spend the rest of the day in your room" Will said
"Okay okay! Jeez" 

We got home without anymore fights or discussions, but wait, cause it was lunch time. We sat in my kitchen table and guys, normally only six people live in my house, not nine, so let me just say, there isnt enough room for everyone in my kitchen table, so we have to eat really close to each other if that makes sense. 

"Auch! Jordan!" Jess screamed when Jordan accidentally kicked her under the table
"Sorry Jess" he answered
"Can I eat some more?" Justin asked, refering to the macandcheese that Ethan made
"Sure" Ethan answered
"God Justin, this is like the third time you eat more" I said
"What can I say, these are good" he answered, with his mouth full. I laughed at him, because he can be really childish at times.
"Girls, you should go clean your room right after lunch" Noah told us
"Why? It isnt messy" Jess asked
"I can barely see your floor through all of your clothes. Seriously" he answered
"You are exaggerating a fucking lot Noah" she said
"Jessica knock it off. Stop discussing everything. I really mean it this time" Will warned, pointing his fork at her
"Fine!" she shouted back
"Knock it off"
"I said FUCKING FINE!! What the hell do you want me to say Will! WHAT?!" she yelled
"That's it. Go to your room" her brother told her
"What the hell Will"
"Go right now and clean everything, because when I go up there I better not see a messy room. And hush right now unless you wanna be grounded the whole summer. Because I swear to God I hear one more word coming out of your mouth and I will do it"
Jess just got up from the table, gave dirty looks to everyone, and went up the stairs loudly. And then she slammed the door, because she's my sister and that's how we are.

We finished eating and I went to our room. She had actually cleaned, which took me by surprise.

"Wow. Good job" I said
"When Will threatens me with something, he does it. I will not spend my summer grounded you know"
"I'm surprised he didnt make you write lines"
"Good for him, cause I aint writing no stupid ass lines anymore"

Later in the afternoon the twins started fighting. Apparently, their girlfriends had had a fight, and they started discussing it calmly but at the end they were defending their girls really aggresively. Jace got up and shoved Justin, which he did back. At one point it looked like they were really gonna punch each other, so Caleb got in the middle of them.

"Dudes! Stop it!" he said
"Get the fuck out of my way man" Justin answered
"No you calm down! What the fuck is wrong with you guys!" he shouted back

Then Jordan appeared from the kitchen and saw everything.

"The hell are you guys doing?!" he asked, but then Jace managed to dodge Caleb and pushed Justin again, this time much stronger.
"This is fucking messed up guys!"Caleb said, holding Jace away from Justin
"You know what is messed up? The fact that Justin is deffending that stupid ass bich" he said
"Repeat that. I fucking dare you" Justin answered, clenching his fists and jaw

But then Jordan exploded

"ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU! This is fucking insane! You are BROTHERS, family! And we do not fight with our brothers. Not in this house, and neither everywhere else. Specially NOT PHYSICALLY. Get separated from each other right now. AND DONT FUCKING TEST ME, because this better not be serious. Brothers do NOT fight, and certainly not because of girlfriends. Fucking ridiculous"

Justing got out of our house and Jace went upstairs. Jordan was gonna go after Justing but I stopped him.

"I got this" I said, and went out after him. I found him literally runing away. He was wearing some adidas sweat pants and a plain black shirt.

"JUSTIN DUDE! STOP!" I screamed. He paused and looked back, then he saw me. And surprisingly, he sat on the curb, and buried his head in his hands. I sat next to him and rubbed his back.
"Everything is gonna be okay. With Kyla (his girlfriend) and with Jace"
"I know. I just really need to control my anger"
"Like everyone in this house. Specially me. So don't worry"
"Did you really think I was gonna hurt Jace?"
"No way. Don't worry" I gave him a side hug

We got in the house and I went to Tyler's room. He was asleep in his bed so I joined him. We woke up at dinner time, and the twins were playing videogames together like if nothing had happened. I was glad they were okay.

"Can I play?" I asked
"Sure Ali" Jace answered

We played a bit, ate pizza for dinner and then I saw Thirteen reasons why with Jessica and fell asleep.


Ali :)

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