-caleb is a nice guy-

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Gotta say september and october were pretty boring because, after being grounded for two weeks in summer, I decided not to mess with Noah and be nice. But that's over after what happened two weeks ago. 

Noah had went on a bussines trip for three weeks at the end of october and he took care of making things clear to me before leaving

"I have told Jordan and Ethan to call me if you have any kind of attitude with them. And I warn you, if they call me more than twice, you don't want to know what awaits you when I return. I'm serious here. Is that clear?" he said, bending down to be at my level.
"Yes" I answered, not so sure. I was quite excited at Noah leaving for once. 
"I'm serious Ali" he repeated
"Okay!! I said yeah" I exploded. I hate when my older brothers repeat things to me.
"I can deal with your attitude before leaving if thats what you want to"
"I don't. Sorry" 
"See that's better"
"I'm goona miss you" I said. I wasnt lying, I mean, I was excited about him leaving but at the same time I was gonna miss him.
"I'll miss you too baby" he said, and hugged me. The boys said goodbye to him and he left.'

A week later I failed math, my first fail this school year, and, since Noah wasnt home, I wasnt as scared to tell my brothers as I usually am. So I did. We were having dinner and Ethan asked me how things were at school. He is always very timely

"I'm doing well in school. Except..." I answered.
"Remember that math exam I did last week?" 
"Let me gess, you failed" Caleb said
"Bro are you stupid?" I spatted
"No" he answered, laughing.
"Yes I failed but there was no need of you being so damn rude!"
"I wasnt being rude. I was being realistic"
"Bullshit Caleb"
"For God's sake I dont know what's up with you two lately, but you wont stop teasing each other and fighting. It has to stop" Jordan told us

He was right. Caleb and I had been fighting a lot. In all of our life we ​​hadnt fought much. The problem is that rarely, lately we were talking a lot, but just to fight. He was just annoying. 

We all stayed silent for a moment. Then Ethan broke it up.

"You know what? I think I have the best idea!"he started
"Oh god" I mumbled

The thing is that Ethan likes "original punishments" and they are always terrible or boring or awkward or whatever. But all of them better than his spankings, cause I swear they are worse than Jordan's or even Noah's.

"Caleb, were you good at math in high school?" 
"Not really" he answered
"Well better than Ali?"
"HELL yeah"
"Stop Caleb!" I shouted
"It is true!!"
"Whatever asshole"
"Curse again and I'll call Noah" Ethan said
"What the FUCK Ethan" I said, emphasizing the word fuck
"Alisson. Cut it" Jordan intervened
"Okay decided. Caleb, you are going to give a math class to your sister. And if you have the slightest fight, you'll both be in trouble" Ethan told us
"Are you even serious?!?!!!!" I shouted
"DON'T shout at me" he answered
"Ethan i'm ninteen" Caleb said
"Oh really? cause you were acting like a five year old a minute ago!" our cousing laughed.
"Exactly!" I laughed
"Don't laugh that much Ali, cause I'm calling Noah about you FAILING and cussing. And he just left two days ago, so he isnt going to be happy"
"I don't give a shit Eth"
"Ali" he warned me
"Shut up"
"I said SHUT UP!"
"I'm getting angry"
"You can repeat that over my knee"
"Touch me I dare you"
"I sure will if you dont stop talking"
I tried to reply, but Tyler literally covered my mouth with his hand.
"Ali stop. He is just about to loose it" he told me, with a concerned look in his eyes. I decided to shut up. Well, I didnt have a lot of choice.

5 guys and me (SPANKING STORY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin