-jordan took my phone... AGAIN-

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So this wednesday I got home to school an hour before normal, cause my last period teacher was ill so they let us go because otherwise we would have been all that hour doing nothing.

I had to take the bus because Tyler did have class and couldnt drive me home. I took it with Liv, but she got off one stop before me. Her house is only a few blocks from mine. 

I got off the bus and walked home. I oppened the front door and shouted:

"HELLO? ANYONE HOME?" Nobody answered. I went upstairs and opened my bedroom door. I threw my school bag to my bed. I wasnt feeling like doing homework, so I grabbed a snack from the kitchen. Eventually everyone came home except Ethan and Tyler, who were at their father's. The reason why they dont live with him is a long story that I dont think you care much about or that you should know. Jordan was in the couch with headphones on, Noah was at his room and Caleb in the kitchen.

 I wanted to watch Pretty Little Liars but Netflix on TV wasnt working so I decided to borrow Caleb's laptop to watch my show. I noticed that it was on, and he always turns it off when he is not using it, but oh well. When I opened it I saw that there was an open tab and I closed it without thinking. Then I opened netflix.

"Who the fuck has taken my laptop without permission?" I heard Caleb scream. Shit. He seemed mad. I closed it and waited for him to go search in my room. He knocked and I mumbled a quick "come in".

"Alisson did you take my...?" He started, but stopped when he saw his mac on my hands
"There is one thing called asking permission to use other's stuff! You cant take my stuff as if it was fucking yours!" He shouted.
"Jesus Christ Caleb, I was just watching my show I'm sorry! take it!" I said, defensively. He took it from my hands and started looking for something with the laptop mouse while he talked to me:
"Its gotta be a joke that you've closed the tab that was open! It was my fucking coursework!"
"Really? I promise I didnt know it!"
"I swear I'm gonna kill you, I've been working on this all week!!"
"Im sorry!"
"You idiot, first you take my computer without permission and then you close the cousework! It just has to be a joke"
"Maybe youre the fucking idiot! Nobody taught you to save youre documents while you do them? Accidents happen and I AM SORRY!" I started to raise my voice, because I was afraid of him so angry.
"Dont fuck with me right now Alisson!!" he yelled.

I understand that it is horrible that someone deleted your work but I hadnt done it on purpose. I dont know if fortunately or unfortunately, but Noah was walking in front of the door of my room and he heard everything.

"Hey! Guys! Why are you shouting like that?" he asked
"He is going crazy because I've closed the tab of his coursework without wanting to!" I said
"Yes, and because you have taken my computer without permission, and because you have fucked up the job I had been working on for a fucking week!!" Caleb shouted
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" I asked, dessesperately.
"I dont give a damn about your apologies!" 
"Then I cant do anything so stop screaming and get the fuck out of my room!"
"GUYS! STOP IT! NOW" Noah shouted, suddenly. Caleb and I closed our mouths immediately.
"Caleb, go to your room and Alison dont you dare to get out of yours!"
"Im nineteen Noah! You arent just gonna send me to my room!"Caleb said
"Then go wherever but here and calm down!" He answered

Caleb stayed silent for a minute, looking at Noah's eyes. He gretted his teeth, clenched his fists, and stormed out of the room.

"You cant just take the other's stuff without permission Ali! Look what you've done! Caleb had the right to be angry, but I told him to leave because I was afraid of what he could do, considering how much he struggles to control himself when he's angry" Noah said
"And what can I do? I cant get his work back!"
"Yeah, but maybe I do. In the office they showed us how to recover documents if they were closed by accident"
"Then what are you waiting for?"
"I want him to calm down, but I will go now. Wait here"
"Fine" I mumbled, and ploped on my bed. I waited for him to come back and tell me if he saved Caleb's work. I Facetimed with Nick but then someone knocked on my door.

"By Nick. Wish me luck. Come in Noah!" I said, and hung up.
"Not Noah" Caleb said, coming in. Considering how pissed he was when he left my room, I was afraid he would yell at me, so I flinched when I saw him.
"Hey hey hey  calm down. I swear Im not mad. Noah is trying to recover my work. Dont worry okay?" He said, laying with me in my bed.
"But what if he isnt able to do it?" I asked.
"Then I'll start again"
"God ... I'm so sorry Caleb I swear I didnt mean to" I said, my eyes filled with tears. Its just that I am such a baby and I cant help crying when I hurt someone.
"Alli look at me" he said. I didnt. "Look at me" he repeated. When I did he said: "Dont worry, princess. You will see that it doesnt take so long. I'm sorry if I've been so angry before. I didnt want to scare you. Dont cry, okay?"
"Okay" I said, wipping off my tears.

Noah couldnt get it back, but Caleb didnt take it as badly as I thought. Then we went down to dinner because Jordan had ordered Chinese food. We were eating at the couch when Tyler stormed by the front door. He didnt say a word, he just stomped upstais. When he was halfway there, Jordan asked him:

"Ty? Everything okay bud?". Tyler didnt answer. Then Ethan came inside the house. He looked pissed.

"Get your ass back down here Tyler!!" he yelled.
"Leave me the fuck alone!" Ty answered -or more like shouted-. Ethan was about to go up for him, but Noah grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Wait bro what happened between both of you?" he asked. Ethan sighed and sat in the couch. He put his elbows on his knees and covered his face with both hands, rubbing his eyes in despair.
"I dont really know man everything was fine until he suddenly started acting like a brat with our father and got into the car and said he wasnt gonna get out unless I drived him home ... What the fuck is wrong with him?" Ethan asked.
"He has probably had a bad day thats all. Dont worry bout it, relax and let him calm himself. Maybe you two can talk tomorrow morning or something" Jordan said
"Youre right" he answered.

I went up to Tyler's room and stayed with him for a while. He was angry because his friends and him had a fight today with another bunch of kids of our school. Then Jordan came in and said:

"Alisson have you taken your phone from my dresser drawer?" 

At that moment I realized that I had screwed up. Let me explain, the other day I lied to Jordan about an exam, so he took my phone for three days and put it in the same drawer as always. Sometimes it seems that he is dumb, cause he always keeps it in the same place and thinks that Im not gonna notice and take it. Dumb, right?

The good thing is that I didnt have my phone in that room, I had left it in mine under my pillow.

"I didnt take it Jordan!" I said
"Dont lie again Alli, thats exactly why you had your phone taken. Now give it back" he answered
"I dont have it!" I kinda shouted. You know, it is one of those moments in which you have to defend a lie til the end even though you know that you've already been caught.
"Im not that stupid sis. If you dont give it to me you will be grounded. You have 10 seconds. Like, for real, 10 seconds" he said.
"But" I started
"One..." he interrupted me.
"Jordan stop!"
"Two... Three..."
"I said stop it!" 
"Uuughhhh okay" I said. I got to my room, took it and went back to give it to him.
"You will get it back on saturday morning" he stated.
"Whyyyyy" I whined
"Because if Noah or Ethan find out that you've taken your phone without permission, not only they would take it for a longer time, but they would probably spank you. So you choose"
"And what..." Jordan started, but he was cut off
"Guys have your conversation in another fucking room, I'm trying to concentrate!" Ty said
"Whoa that was rude!" I said
"Yeah, wach it Tyler" Jordan said.

We finished talking in the hallway and then I went to sleep. Luckily Jordan isnt going to say anything to the other guys so for the moment I'm safe.


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