Chapter Five

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Rylan and I sit at the main table with my whole pack. My father sits to my left, at the head of the table. With my mother across from me and Rylan to my right, I am boxed into conversations I want no part in. The main table also holds the Blood Moon pack. They sit at the other end, opposite my father.

Everyone eats at their own pace, mostly conversing about the upcoming ceremony. I take a small bite of a brussel sprout covered in butter and herbs. Chewing slowly, I lean over to Rylan and whisper in her ear.

"I wonder what my mother would do if you started talking about me dating someone." She cracks a small grin and whispers back to me.

"She would probably be the proper woman she pretends to be and go along with it."

I laugh, causing my mother to send me a death glare. I squish up my face in mock innocence and she harrumphs my behavior. I have another bite of food just inches from my mouth, when Rylan nudges my side with my elbow. I look up at her, and she inclines her head toward the other end of the table, hinting that I should look. I sigh, but turn my gaze toward the other end. Only to find the Blood Moon Alpha staring at me. I raise my eyebrows and I can hear him chuckle quietly.

For some reason, my heart starts beating faster at the sound. I scrunch up my nose and I look down at my food quizzically. What is wrong with me? I don't even know the guy!

Rylan nudges me and I meet her gaze. She questions me with her eyes, and I shoot her a look. Just another thing I will explain later.

I sit, quietly eating, when it hits me. I don't even know his name. He is an Alpha for gods sake! How do I not know his name? My father made sure I know the name of every Alpha in the area.

I pop my knuckles, thinking deeply, trying to figure out his name. Suddenly, Rylan taps my shoulder.

"You know, if you keep thinking that deeply, you'll get stress lines on your forehead." She chuckles at my expression, but I just sigh and rub my face.

"Rylan, what is his name?" I ask, meeting her gaze. She seems confused for a second, then she throws a look over her shoulder to the Blood Moon Alpha. I roll my eyes and nod.

"Umm... I'm not entirely sure." She says, thoughtfully tapping her lower lip. I groan and flop back in my chair. My father looks at me and raises his eyebrows at how I'm sitting.

I sit up straight but don't break eye contact. I open my mouth to ask him the Alpha's name, when my mother speaks up.

"Kira? Dear, would you tell your father that you are not leaving us after the ceremony!" She sounds exasperated. I raise my eyebrows and my father gives me a sly look.

"Father, I cannot promise that I will leave or stay. All I can say is that the outcome of all this cannot be changed. And once I make my decision, I will not change my mind."

With that, I take another bite of my dinner. My father laughs and my mother looks stunned.

"There's my little girl!"

I roll my eyes at my father, but inwardly I beam at his praise. He never compliments me, and for him to acknowledge that I am his daughter, means a lot.

My mother takes this moment to stand and address the whole room.

"Hello packs! As you all know, tomorrow the ceremony starts!" At her words, cheers break out across the room. But my mother isn't done talking just yet.

"For the younglings completing the ceremony, we are holding a ball for you tonight! In just a bit, we ask that everyone gets changed and meets us in the ballroom! I hope you all have fun."

When she sits down, most people jump up and hurry from he room. I roll my eyes and take a small sip of the water in front of me.

"Kira! We should go change!!" Rylan nudges my side with her elbow. She is bouncing up and down, unable to control her eagerness.

"Why do I need to change?" I ask in a bit of a whine, pouting my lower lip outward. She scoffs and pulls me from my chair before dragging me from the room.

"Rylan! I was going to talk to my father!" I exclaim once we are in the hallway. She scoffs.

"You can talk to him after." She continues to drag me toward my room, ignoring my protests.

Throwing open the door, she struts inside and dives into my closet. I roll my eyes and quietly close the door. It is going to be a long night.

Okay, so what do you guys think? I have been editing each chapter as I go, so let me know if you find any grammar or spelling issues.

This update is a bit earlier then it will be normally because I am leaving for a track meet today! (Wish me luck!!)

I need some ideas for a new, original title for this book. I feel like it is too stereotypical, so I want some ideas on a new title. (And possibly a new cover)

Also, I have decided to update on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Don't Forget To Vote!

(I know that was a lot, so thanks for reading all of it. 😁)

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