Chapter Twenty-Six

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I laugh at Kayn's awkwardness. He cracks a smile at me, studying me with his eyes.

"So, why couldn't you shift back?" I cock my head to the side curiously. He  frowns inwardly, probably at his wolf.

"My wolf was being over protective. He wanted to make sure you were safe, and apparently I can't do that." His words come out as a growl at the end. I reach over and place my hand on his. His eyes shoot up to my own and I give him a small smile.

"He probably didn't think you incapable, he just didn't want something to happen to me while you took the time to shift." I shrug nonchalantly. He gives me a look of disbelief.

"You are actually saying, that my wolf made a logical decision... After he attacked another person." He looks at me like I grew a pair of horns. I laugh, my hand pulling from his as I stand up.

"Okay, okay. Maybe not that logical of a decision. But he probably just didn't want anything to happen to me, so he didn't leave." I tug the blanket tighter around my shoulders. Even with the window closed, the room is freezing cold.

"Anyways, what happened with you and Cole?" I ask, turning to face him again. He frowns, and fiddles with his fingers again.

"My wolf got pissed after you got hurt. He wouldn't let anyone near you after it happened. And -" I interrupt him, the words trickling out of my mouth.

"So it was your wolf!"

"Yeah, that was me. And as I was saying, my wolf took control and wouldn't let anyone near you... Even the doctors. My beta had to come and physically pull me off of you with about a dozen other wolves. It wasn't good. I couldn't gain control back from him, he just wouldn't back off." He starts out a bit embarrassed that he couldn't control his own wolf, then his face contorts as he growls at the end.

I raise an eyebrow, used to males being very tempermental.

"Why did you attack Cole? Because, from what I've found, Alphas are usually better at controlling their wolves that other people."

"We usually are, unless it comes to something we really care about. Like our mates... Or food." He cracks a grin at the end, chuckling. I giggle, rolling my eyes at his childishness. So much for being the scariest and most aggressive alpha.

Suddenly, someone bangs their fist against the door. Kayn stiffens, our laughter abruptly cutting off. I stride over to the door. I pull the desk away from the door, rolling my eyes at the wince on Kayn's face. I sigh and open the door, tilting my chin up when I see who is behind the door. My father scoffs at me and pushes into the room.

Kayn snarls loudly at the sight of my father pushing me around. I resist the urge to growl myself. Kayn surprises me by tugging me to his side, his hand loosely slips into mine. He relaxes slightly when I am next to him.

"Kira, you and I need to have a private conversation. Follow me." He commands me as he turns towards the door.

"Excuse me?" I snarl as Kayn growls from next to me, his wolf not liking me being bossed around.

"You heard me. I am still your alpha, and you have to obey me. Now -"

"She is not just some pack member you can boss around! She is the future Alpha of your pack, and my mate! Show some respect." Kayn says, glaring at me father, who faces us and  scoffs.

"She cannot be both a Luna and an Alpha. The world doesn't work like that."

I open my mouth to snap back a response, but stop. I am certainly confused as to what is going to happen to me in the future. If I agree to be Kayn's Luna, I won't be in charge of my pack. If I stay the Alpha of my pack, what will happen to Kayn and his pack? I don't realize I have zoned out until Kayn squeezes my hand.

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. My father's face is red, not happy I have been ignoring him.

"Whatever your problem is, it can wait." I say, tugging Kayn along with me as I push past my father. He grabs my arm, causing Kayn to snarl again. He really doesn't like people touching me.

"It cannot wait! It is about this dog and his punishment for attacking a pack member."

I don't even try to stop the snarl that escapes my lips. I glare, taking a menacing step towards my father. Only Kayn's grip on my hand holds me back.

"I don't care how pissed you are, but you do not ever - and I mean never - disrespect my mate. You don't get to be angry everytime something doesn't go your way. Not everyone is going to do what you say 24/7, we are people and we have our own thoughts and feelings. So stop acting like you have a stick up your ass. If you want to talk to me, you can come find me later. But right now, I need to check on my friend."

With that, I tug on Kayn's arm as I lead him from the room. My father just gapes at me, not sure how to respond. My face is set in a fierce scowl as I practically drag Kayn down the hallways. I shove through people, trying to ignore the looks thrown my way. They range from confusion to irritation.

By the time I reach my room, my grip has tightened on Kayn's hand. I loosen my hand and mutter an apology. He smiles at me when I meet his gaze.

"That was badass."

Hey guys!! This was a little look into Kayn and Kira's bond. Things will get better in the next chapter, I promise. How are you guys feeling about this chapter? Any ideas on what Kira's father wanted to talk about?

Anyways, I wanted to thank you all for reading my book and commenting. It makes me really happy to see other people are enjoying my book.

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