Chapter 16

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<* so sorry for the slow updates been a busy year and had no inspiration, not to mention I have two other stories on the go. I hope you love this chapter though!! :D*>

It's been over 3 months into mine and Maxi's relationship and it feels like we've been together for a life time, but today we have to be split up and put against each other... FOR IT'S THE ANNUAL LIFEGUARDS SPORTS DAY!!! It unfortunately starts at 6am and finishes at 10pm.

I pull myself out of bed at 5 and go into the wardrobe, pulling out my outfit for the day. Before I start to get ready, I turn on my little docking station with my iphone plugged in and hit shuffle. Adele's Turning Tables starts playing and a light smile plays on my face before I start getting ready, I sling on my clothes, before putting my hair up in a high ponytail and swiping a little bit of mascara over my eyes. I reach back into the wardrobe before pulling out a duffel bag and putting a hooded beach towel in my bag and plain black zip-up, not to forget my little first aid kit that has Mr Bump plasters in and a couple of other things. After putting them in my bag, I zip it up before grabbing my phone and placing it in there also.

I sling the bag over my shoulder before heading out of the wardrobe and out of the bedroom. I walk into the kitchen to see Maxi making two cups of coffee.

"One for you my love!" Maxi winks giving me a quick kiss before handing me my coffee.

"Oh your not wearing that are you?" Maxi whines sitting back on his bar stool.

I look down at my outfit (Link in comments bellow) confused before looking back at Maxi.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask confused before sipping on my coffee.

"I'm not going to be able to keep my eyes off you!" He winks cheekily, gulping down the rest of his coffee and putting the mug in the dish washer.

I roll my eyes before finishing off my coffee also and putting it in the the dish washer and turning to grab my bag as it's sitting on the floor by my feet.

"Shall we head off?" I ask Maxi following him into the living room.

"Can do!" He chuckles, lacing his hand through mine as we leave the apartment, he locks the door behind us before we walk down the stairs.

"It's a bit of a walk to the green we're meeting at for the first couple of challenges!" He smiles down at me cheekily before pulling me out of the door of the building and twirling me around as if we were doing ball room dancing, causing me to giggle.

"So who do you recon your going to be with?" I ask him as we start our 15 minute walk to the green we're meeting the rest of the lifeguards at.

"I heard that me and Jesse are going to be together, but that could have changed." He shrugs looking down to me with a little smile.

"What kind of things do you do as I haven't done previous years?" I ask curious.

"Last year we done Rugby ball catch, it's harder than it sounds. The weetabix ball throw, you have to eat a whole dry weetabix, it's horrible. Darts, Tennis, Golf, stand up board paddling and basketball. The golf is after lunch and it takes a few hours, then Darts is at Dinner, but everyone's going home to change for both Darts and Golf as you get extra points if you look the part or whatever!!" Maxi chuckles as we skip along every couple of steps, no idea why, but it is fun.

"I can't wait for today!! I'm really curious as to who I'm teamed up with." I giggle as we walk past a sign that says which direction the Green is at.

"I'd love to be teamed up with Harrison or maybe Taco!! Because I know I can pick each of them up, so I'll be alright!! ahah" I laugh as we come round the corner and see the green that already has a few of the lifeguards on it.

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