chapter 5 (anticipation)

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hp: 100
def: 10
atk: 5

hp: 2500 (30000)
def: 20 (99)
atk: 50 (99)

hp 40 (999) [9999]
def 10 (90) [9999]
atk 8 (50) [9999]

"I AM WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" all might yelled, not walking into the room like a normal person. Izuku silently scowled at the hero, as he had turned his dreams to dust. If it weren't for sans, Izuku would be dust as well.

"today we are going to be doing fight simulation. but of course, the first step to being a hero is looking the part. so put on your costumes and meet up at city simulation area D" all might explained. the only change to Izuku's outfit was that he fitted the mask of his original costume design over his mouth.

(gonna skip a scene, because thats too much dialogue)


A Izuku and Asriel
B momo and Ida
C shota and ochaco
D sero and yuga
E mina and tokoyami
F denki and kyoka
G bakugo and ejiro
H ojiro and toru
I mezo and sato
J koda and tsuyu







battle 1)

villians: A
heroes: B

(all might POV)

this one was rigged to get Izuku to show that he could be a monster and get him kicked out. *oh, how little does he know*

(back to Izuku)

Izuku and Asriel were discussing a plan to defend the 'bomb'. "I say we split up and defend, as our quirks wouldn't work well together" Asriel suggested. "true, and I can teleport. so you stay here and defend. if they both come to the bomb, contact me and I will teleport to you. if I need help, I'll contact you, and while you come to me I'll dodge" Izuku said/muttered. "sounds like a plan" Asriel said, and then turned off his mic, and Izuku did the same. "should I use my monster form" Asriel asked. "it's up to you . . . but I think it would work better" Izuku said. Asriel nodded, and changed form.

Izuku nodded when he heard the signal to start, and teleported to a long corridor near the entrance

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Izuku nodded when he heard the signal to start, and teleported to a long corridor near the entrance. he saw momo come in, covered in armour. "Asriel, Ida is not with momo, keep an eye out, k" Izuku said over the mic. "okay" he heard in his earpiece. "heya . . .
you've been busy, huh?
. . .
so, I've got a question for you
do you think even the worst person can change . . . ?
that everyone can be a good person, if they just try
*momo tried to say something, but her body wouldn't move*
heh heh heh heh . . .
alright . . .
well, here's a better question
do ya wanna have a bad time?
cause if you think that I'm gonna let ya get past me and harm my partner
. . .
you are REALLY not gonna like what happens next
. . .
sorry old lady
. . .
this is why I still don't make promises
. . .
. . .
. . .
it's a beautiful day outside.
birds are singing,
flowers are blooming.
on days like these,
heroes like you
. . .
welp, nothing I can do about it . . .
I'm just gonna have to stall ya . . ."

the joking hero (May end up getting a rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now