our charade

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"SPORTS FAIR" most of the class yelled out, "that's TOTALLY ordinary!! come on! we just had that villian attack, you sure abour this?!". "it is necessary to demonstrate that U.A.'s crisis management protocols are souns... that's the thinking, apparently" aizawa started, "compared to past years, there'll be fove times the police presence. anyhow. our sports festival is . . . the greatest opportunity you'll get. it's not an event that can ve cancelled over a few villians. ...our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. the olympics were once the world's sprots fesitival. the whole country would be whipped into a frenzy over them. but as yoy know, that traditiob has shrunk in scale of a shell of it's former self... and as far as Japan's concerned, what's taken the place of the olympucs is... the U.A. sports festival".


"young midoriya. i found you" all might yelled, as he turned the corner. "oh, sup" izuku said. "if you don't mind, i would like to speak with you" all might asked. izuku glanced at asriel, urakura, and lida, before sighing and accepting.

"so what's this about? here to turn my dreams to dust again?" izuku scowled. "look, i know my previous words and actions were... well they were unacceptable. i don't know HOW you got as strong as you did, but, after hearing about how much you did during the attack on U.S.J. , I realized something. you've got the heart of a hero, young man. and, while i know that i deserve whatever I have coming for me, i just wanted to say, I'm sorry. i tricked myself into believing that i was 'saving you', but it seems you had everything you needed, already. you didn't need a quirk, you already had the will to become a hero, no matter what" all might said. "heh. that's a hilarious joke, all might" izuku said, "i don't have the will to do much of anything. in fact, after our 'talk', i was ready to end it all, yet someone helped me get to where i am now. ever hear the phrase 'the saddest people smile the brightest'? well, perhaps you and i aren't too different after all. we keep a smile on our face at all times, although to convince a different audience". "perhaps" all might said. "welp, I'm assuming thats all you have to say, so I'll make my leave" izuku said, walking out the door. "goodbye for now, young midoriya"

the joking hero (May end up getting a rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now